Sunday, October 22, 2017

The Sly Fox Python branch of the Fuji school,

The Sly Fox branch of the Nichiren Happon Haha branch is one such sect and the Nichiren Python sect is another. The former cons their members out of their money and the latter squeezes the money out of them. The Soka Gakkai has adopted the most effective money collecting strategies from both sects and is now known as the Sly Fox Python branch of the Fuji school, otherwise known as the Ikeda sect.


  1. The reflection of the motto of the SGI/Ikeda sect is perfectly mirrored in our NEW national ideology:

    It is interesting to note the risks taken by the "few" who will confront our current- aberrant POTUS , Trump-- I am having flashbacks of challenging the SGI Boston's aberrant behavior and slander of Nichiren--Having also been a whistleblower against a Harvard affiliated institution, I am inclined to point out that anyone who speaks out against "evil" in our society today is in effect painting a target on their back--

    ALL THE MORE REASON to propagate the true teachings of Nichiren to fortify the goodness in each of us-- to overcome the spiritual decline and moral depravity that the evil doctrines of SGI/NST have produced in our country.

