Saturday, October 7, 2017

When expected benefits don't materialize and when enthusiasm and excitement is not enough

It is the time to test the Nichiren faith and practice and take the ninety day challenge. In our Sangha, there is no concept of "pre contractual solidarity"* that will keep you bound to the organization regardless of actual proof. You can just walk away.

If you have been chanting for something for months or years and haven't realized your goal, you owe it to yourself to take the Nichiren Lotus Sutra Buddhist ninety day challenge. You will have to un-enshrine your SGI Gohonzon and embrace the same faith as Nichiren.

When you are ready to practice the Lotus Sutra as Nichiren Daisonin details you have no choice but to lower the banner of your pride and change your allegiance. I can not promise that you will not be exiled and persecuted and you will not find yourself living in a hut without heat and hot water but I can promise you Supreme and Perfect Enlightenment.

*From A Neo-Durkheimian analysis of a new religious movement: The case of Soka Gakkai in Italy by Carlo Barone

1 comment:

  1. More good news :

    “ it seems to me that on the path to attaining Buddhahood it May invariably be when one has done something like lay down one’s life that one becomes a Buddha. I think that perhaps it is encountering such difficulties as have already been explained in the Sutra - being cursed, vilified, attacked with swords and staves , shards and rubble, and banished again and again— that is reading the Lotus Sutra with one’s life. My faith springs up all the more , and I am confident about my next existence.” ( “ Banishment to Sado “)

    Cheers for the few who are joyfully following Nichiren ‼️

    ~ Katie
