Thursday, October 19, 2017

Why the emphasis on personal guidance in the Ikeda cult?

One reason for the emphasis on personal guidance is that SGI members do not have a valid Gohonzon. Therefore, they have no way to tap into the guidance and encouragement of the Original Buddha Shakyamuni, Nichiren Daishonin, and the Law. Another reason is to create uniformity in thinking and behavior. Still another reason is that the SGI needs to reinforce the SGI way since not ALL their teachings are found in the authenticated writings let alone the Lotus Sutra and Five Major Writings of Nichiren. Lastly, it is the honey for the unpaid senior leader bees to feel important [power] since they aren't paid for their hard work. 


  1. How can you tell if a gohonzon is valid?

  2. My criteria is that it dependes on two things: The one who transcribes and eye opens the Gohonzon must be a votary of the Lotus Sutra and not a slanderer:

    "Unless one who has grasped the essence of the Lotus Sutra conducts the eye-opening ceremony for a wooden or painted image, it will be as if a masterless house were to be occupied by a thief, or as if, upon death, a demon were to take possession of one’s body."

    Nichikan was a slanderer. However most don't agree with or believe Nichiren and teach that all Gohonzons are valid because they have written on them or they represent the Law of Namu Myoho renge kyo. Another corollary to the validity of Gohonzon is that when WE chant to the Gohonzon, according to Nichiren, we should reflect whether or not WE are slandering the Gohonzon. In a sense, we are invalidate (or inactivate) Gohonzon if we slandering the Law.
