Sunday, November 19, 2017

"The mentor represents the function of the Buddha" -- SGI leader

If Daisaku Ikeda represents the function of the Buddha, what an error prone Buddha is he."

1 comment:

  1. Why does "the mentor represent the function the Buddha"? Because SGI needs something "Buddha-like" to reassure its members they are Buddhists. They also say "SGI is Buddha"-- because Today told Ikeda this-- or said it at some point to someone--maybe he even "wrote it down"?

    Funny how SGI members are not the least bit motivated to seek Nichiren's writings and search for some reason to believe what SGI leaders say. Too bad SGI members blindly follow 'persons' who have taught them that following a particular person is "the Buddha Way".

    The best these SGI hobos can do is sing the praises of Ikeda-- after decades of following the 'function of the Buddha" , their sphere of concern remains confined to their own personal comfort and gain,which is tethered to their connection to Ikeda. They will spew sound bytes like "Buddhism is reason" -- but is it reasonable to expect that after decades of excellent parenting a grown, well developed person is still soiling their diapers and expecting to be spoon fed?

