Saturday, January 27, 2018

The meaning of “no worldly affairs of life or work are ever contrary to the true reality."

SGI claims that the meaning of “no worldly affairs of life or work are ever contrary to the true reality" are SGI's activities such as Victory Over Violence, their anti-bullying campaign, and their human rights education initiatives.

My question is, where in the Lotus Sutra or Gosho is it taught that human rights education or anti-bullying campaigns leads to the Buddha's Land or the widespread propagation of the Lotus Sutra?

Myoho renge kyo always leads to the highest embodiment of human rights, destroying the will to kill, the mind to abuse others, and the will to harm the environment. Human rights education is an inferior type of almsgiving, Human rights education can not control the Three Poisons. Only Namu Myoho renge kyo can control the Three Poisons. This is the meaning of “no worldly affairs of life or work are ever contrary to the true reality."

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