Thursday, February 15, 2018

My GAWD...Nuclear proliferation is at a twenty five year high

New "use doctrines", new low yield devices, higher yield devices, and novel delivery systems, If we are to believe Nichiren, thanks to the slanderous SGI, Nichiren Shoshu, and Nichiren Shu.


  1. Quite insane lose lose

  2. Abe does nothing for Fukushima. Opens more dangerous nukes. Trump says nothing about Fukushima. Encourages radioactive fukushima food to come to mirica. Trump encourages abe to have a nuke bomb. The alright fascists, at enene

    Like alex jones and elsewhere pretend they know about fuk. Payed off stooges, operatives, and chatbots. Especially on twitter. Checkout nonukes (twitter)fake, polished, breitbart-anonymous vidieos. You even have to wait 5 seconds, to watch advertising to see them. The propaganda and fox footage, so thick, you couldn't stir it with a spoon. Same old shit, good oligarchs vs. Bad oligarchs. They all feed from the same trough. The new komeito pretends it cares about peace. Same for sgi in jqpan and elesewhere. It looks like the fascist altright attached itself to the fukushima and nuclear issue as a way of seeming nonconformist fringe. So many of them, whole heardedly endorse trumps supernuclearization. Same way for the sgi phoneys.They always endorsed nuking north korea. Abe must want nuclear war with china. He knows his ass is fried from fuku, so it is similar to suicide by cop to preserve face. The cops being russia and china. China has 500k troops on korean border. The s korean position is explicitly to some day reunite w nkorea. Abe and trump dont want thatjapan is threatening russia over the kyrils. Psychosis

  3. Say it ain't so Anonymous! Unfortunately it is. Interesting suicide by Russia/China cop. I think Abe is too stupid to think about that face saving strategy but who knows?

  4. thanks for the updates anonymous. the christians got confused and elected the devil. in japan the gakkai owns the press and much of the government. "we have met the enemy, and he is us"....even if just awoke to the law(renge), even if they rejected real buddhism, the world would completely change for the better.

    1. above, even if they just... ! even the low-level christians teach "ye shall reap what ye sow" however, they don't practice it. insanity is the result.

  5. Sgi is doomed. Many old-timed group leaders quitting. Japan will collapse soon. Everyone i know, from fukushima to yokohama,says so. so Sad. I have many friends there.

    Same will happen here, after a reactor meltsdown, and fuel pool catches fire. It will probably happen this year.

    Moscow is inundated with radiation, as i write, from an accident there. Who could be so stupid?

    The daiini reactors caught fire in japan, recently. Fukushima is just,continuosly blasting, shit into the ocean and japan. Probably all 8 reactors in fukui will blow soon.
    Trumputen wants to ope a hundred new reactors in the usa, and not close any of the sixty,50 yo rattle traps. 200 million americans drink dangerously radioactive water from 75 years of nuclear waste, bomb explosions, uranium mining, bomb productions, coveredup meldtowns, shitty reactors pouring tritium into our water supply.,

    1. They need a correct faith and practice to right the sinking ship.
