Monday, February 19, 2018

The cause for falling into hell

The SGI's slander of the correct teachings and their slander of the true believers is, by far, the worst offenses and the cause for falling into hell.


  1. The dead preacher Billy Graham, called for Richard Nixon to use nuclear bombs in Vietnam. He wanted nixon to blowup dikes with nuclear bombs. It would have killed 10s of millions, more than the 10s of millions of innocents murdered by Nixon and Kissenger in Laos, Cambodia, North and South Vietnam. Along with agent orange, and who knows, whats else, large areas of vietnam would be uninhabitable from radioactivity, today. Maga, lets use first strike nukes.

  2. In texas, a group of altright thugs took over, a small buddhist community that was ruined by hurricane harvey. The thugs, tryed to block the people, from getting assistnace. I am sure most of the white thugs, consider3d themselves to be christians. They are armed. Ironic, in view of how Nixon carpet-bombed Cambodia into the stone age. The thugs remind me of polpot and the khmer rhouge, that murdered millions in Cambodia.

    I was once libertarian. Bought into,the racist, toxic bullshit, of the demented, hateful, athiest,racist, nihilist, fascist, and narcicissism of ayn rand.
    Libertarian communities in the south have failed. No one wants to pay their water bill, so tap water is pesticide-imbued sludge. Most ground water in the south, is beyond toxic. Open sewers in peoples yards, from no septic. Cops that are asses and bullies, out for shakedown.
    Racism. Roads suck.schools suck, if there are any. No library.


  4. Provisional Buddhists who are unable to change their karma. Seems that those alt.right wackos meant well.

  5. The way things are going in murica there could be a civil war soon. Things are so crappy creeps, could just start roving the country terrorizing people. I saw it in columbia in 1993. Still happening.
    It is what Ukraine is now. I worked with ukrainian refugees for 6 years. No one will go back. Chernobyl paved the way for its degeneration.
    People just do not get it. The rich plundered their economy , people were too sick to do anything about it. Now they have 20 reactors that are on the verge of exploding. The government is too corrupt, to crazy and stupid, to shut them down. Many unmaintained for 3 years. They still get nuclear fuel from russia, who are supposed to be their enemies.
    Nazi militia men, put into power by the United states rove the countryside terrorizing people. They fired on a huge nuclear waste dump a couple of years ago. Almost set it off. Almost set a reactor off. There is a lot at stake now. All nukes need to be shut down.

  6. Yes and thanks. Thinks will change. In order for the human race to survive, it will have to change for the better. An awakening of the people will be the first step. Most people just want to get up in the morning, eat their breakfast and hope for a quiet day at work and a peaceful evening with the family. When the majority of the people can't even accomplish such a simple life without dealing with death and daily upheavals, then we will see another revolution. The alternative to an armed revolution will be an epiphany of Buddhahood that once well rooted can not be destroyed by anything.

  7. Please never doubt the functioning of karma. What will happen to these assholes in the future will ne experienced by they them forbthe forseeable future. Same for our politicians, especially men like Trump and Putin.
