Saturday, March 31, 2018

Are personal threats part and parcel of SGI doctrine and policy?

Mark R. Rogow

Dear Sirs:

Should we consider any or all of the views expressed by SGI leaders and members as official SGI doctrine and policy or if not, why not? Also, at what leadership level within SGI may we consider one’s views official, Chapter, Headquarters, Territory, Zone, or National?

I ask because I would like to know how seriously my readers and I should take the views expressed on my blog site, on the internet, and in my personal correspondences with SGI members.

Also, are personal threats part and parcel of SGI doctrine and policy? I don’t mean threats of falling into hell but more along the lines of bodily harm to myself and my family,

Mark R. Rogow 
disciple of Shakyamuni Buddha and Nichiren Daishonin

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