Thursday, March 29, 2018

SGI top leader, Bill Aiken versus Nichiren Daishonin

“I thought this conference marked an expansion and deepening of the dialogue between the Obama Administration and the Buddhist, Hindu, and Jain communities, as well as a growing recognition of the contributions these faiths are making in American society." -- Bill Aiken SGI representative.

"Whenever I come upon a person who honors the True Word teachings, I tell him that True Word is an evil doctrine that will destroy the nation." -- Nichiren Daishonin


  1. Somone ask aiken what he thinks about article 9, nuclear weapons and nuclear power in japan, fukushima, komeito and ldp. You will not get a straight answer. Empty husk of a dead animal

    1. Nothing much has he to say about the teachings, either. I agree. He is an empty husk. Ironically, the ignoble priest Nichikan called Shakyamuni a husk Buddha.
