Monday, April 23, 2018

Nichiren or Ikeda?

"I remained silent for 10 years concerning the behavior of the priesthood." -- Daisaku Ikeda

"I, Nichiren, am the only person who is aware of this. If I should begrudge my life and thus refrain from speaking out, not only would I be failing to repay the debt of gratitude I owe to my country, but I would also be acting as an enemy of Shakyamuni Buddha, the lord of teachings. On the other hand, I knew from the outset that, if I set aside my fears and declared things exactly as they are, I would be sentenced to death. And even if I should escape the death penalty, I would surely be condemned to exile. So great is the debt of gratitude I owe the Buddha, however, that I have not let others intimidate me, but have spoken out."Ikeda


  1. Q: Why do you think "True Buddhism," or better yet, why humanity in general failed to accumulate the good fortune to have recognized and to have implemented True Buddhism.....why are we at this juncture, with what you believe is just a relatively few who know the truth and are practicing as Nichiren did. What went wrong here?.....with this world? And, give the future your best shot.....11 billion people by mid century, can you even venture to look into your crystal ball?.....please try.

    1. the buddhas dharma has been hijacked(in a nut shell). even the preparatory teachings like islam, judaism ,christianity have also been hijacked. buddhism teaches that in the latter day the preparatory teachings become poison because they cause confusion, and they obscure the true law. all for purposes that are a complete contradiction to what the teachings teach. however, the only teaching that is complete and final is the lotus sutra(namu myoho renge kyo). this is the stronger medicine for the ills that the original buddha predicted would be rampant in the latter age...avarice, anger and stupidity, and as stated, the medicine has been hijacked. our teacher nichiren teaches.."if one sees slander and does not speak out, they are complicit and the retribution will be sever". he also teaches.." there are two main reasons why people make mistakes in their buddhist practice...1. they are ignorant of the teachings , and 2. they follow a bad leader. all the sects are guilty of both. also, the buddha admonished that one should not cling to incomplete teachings. all the religions including buddhism are of ignorant this admonishment. no doubt many are aware of this admonishment , but for selfish gain, they disregard. because the lotus sutra censors everything below the realm of bodhisattva and specifically the realms of avarice anger and stupidity, it is difficult to believe and difficult to understand.

      the buddha has asked that since we common mortals do not have the capacity to intellectually understand the lotus sutra ...we should substitute faith and through faith comes understanding = correct faith = correct understanding.

      the buddha also predicts that in the latter day hatred and jealousy toward the lotus sutra and it votaries would abound with great intensity . also that the many will slander it and the few will uphold it. we are the few. nichiren often speaks of the buddhas will.

      today, what we see in the world is not the L S being upheld, but slandered. buddhism teaches..everything is a double edged sword, it cuts both ways, correctly, it produces goodness and enlightenment. slandered, it produces evil and a deeper delusion. all of this can be backed up by the buddha and nichiren.

      here is the good news....regardsless of what happens and how many take faith, people who strive to uphold; like mark, shinkei, kate, etc. will at the time of the great change , will become eternal buddhas. this is the promise. faith is the entire key !

  2. Thank Greg for the thorough explanation.

  3. Yes, yes, Greg - bad teachers probably could be explained, but the more efficient slaughter of your fellow man throughout history - to accumulate some 80 million deaths from 1914 - 1945, the timing and everything else that created that karmic magnetic field.....Nichiren's appearance couldn't have prevented all of this any sooner, could it have? And, What do you pin point as the first year the purity of his lineage was corrupted? I know this is mental masturbation, but the law of causality will always try to be figured out.....

  4. Greg, I reread your very impressive first reply again last night and your thoughts on the topic are now occupying some previously empty space. What occupies the balance is still old thinking, that he Buddha elucidated the Law some 4500 years ago, and for many countless millennia prior, hominids have been bashing in the skulls of their fellow ids, and their archaic cousin, Neanderthal.....they all, are not forgiven but subject to the law....I guess! Killing fellow ids was, what?, an extension of hunting? There might have been some discretions taking place, like killing a child or a pitifully wounded opponent - maybe, nah!.....and, some probably really enjoyed it - an abnormality was mutated? After WW11, there was a focus group that determined it was Prussian Militarism that was the cause of Western Europe's woes, and it had to be crushed. NSA/SGI days....we blamed the calamities of Japan and the world on the persecution of, could it be getting some oxygen from what you are saying Greg, an unforeseeable (need a 3d viewer!)effect from defamation of what Nichiren has laid down?'s a deadly combo - human nature and our love for killing and wrongly held views.....and that, explains our love of animals.....I want to see and care for the Sloth.....and of course our many of my tenants has the most beautiful big male cat, beautiful eyes, and, I'm not allergic!

    1. even the bible has many stories of fights between satan and god.etc. good and evil. the ten realms.

      as u know buddhism is extremely deep. in a nut shell it is consistent from being to end -----WRONG THOUGHT or CORRECT THOUGHT and on and on. the former day of the law, the middle day of the law and the latter day of the law...very interesting.
