Friday, August 31, 2018

Remember when Soka Gakkai top leaders were boasting "three hundred thousand" [or more] American SGI members

The following were 1996 and 1997 total paid and/or requested World Tribune circulation figures -- actual number of single issues published nearest to filing date: 

1996 -- 38,430* WT 11/1/96, p. 2
1997 -- 24,500* WT 10/24/97, p. 2

This was the most accurate reflection of active and semi-active SGI members and in this one year alone, nearly 14,000 WT subscribers either left the Gakkai or become so disaffected that they no longer subscribed to its principal publication. Things were never as rosy in the Gakkai as their spinmeisters led us to believe. Can we believe anything they report? 

* The numbers are actually smaller because many leaders and members receive more than one 
subscription [sometimes up to five], at the urging of their leaders.

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