Thursday, September 27, 2018

"There are no sins in Buddhism" -- Proud SGI member

Angelo Pasaro proud SGI member states, "There are NO sins in Buddhism." I enjoin her to read On Rebuking Slander of the Law and Eradicating Sins. Since not only Angela believes that "there are no sins in Buddhism" but nearly the whole SGI membership believes that, they can say or do just about anything as long as they are chanting Nam Myoho renge kyo and teaching others to do the same. They can lie, commit adultery, or steal. They can not be trusted. Superficially, the source of their error and reprehensible behavior is their mentor and leaders. More profoundly, it is their truncated Daimoku, mistaken object of devotion, and lack of study.

"Suppose that a person is burning with fever. If he sits down beside a large body of cold water and stays there for a while, his fever will abate, but if he lies down beside a little body of water, he will continue to suffer as before. In the same way, if an icchantika, or person of incorrigible disbelief, who has committed the five cardinal sins and has slandered the Law, should try to cool himself beside the little bodies of water that are the Āgama, Flower Garland, Meditation, and Mahāvairochana sutras, the raging fever caused by his great offenses would never be dispelled. But if he should lie down on the great snowy mountain that is the Lotus Sutra, then the raging fever caused by the five cardinal sins, his slander of the Law, and his incorrigible disbelief would be dispelled instantly.

Therefore, ignorant people should by all means have faith in the Lotus Sutra. For although one may think that all the titles of the sutras are the same in effect and that it is as easy to chant one as another, in fact the merit acquired even by an ignorant person who chants the title of the Lotus Sutra is as far superior to that acquired by a wise person who chants some other title as heaven is to earth!

To illustrate, even a person with great strength cannot break a strong rope with his bare hands. But if one has a little knife, then even a person of meager strength can sever the rope with ease. Even a person with great strength cannot cut through a piece of hard stone with a dull sword. But if one has a sharp sword, then even a person of meager strength can cut the stone in two.

Or, to give another example, even though one may not know what is in the medicine, if one takes a dose of it, one’s illness can be cured. But if one takes only ordinary food, one’s illness will never be cured. Or, to give yet another example, an elixir can actually increase one’s life span, whereas ordinary medicine, though it can cure illness, can never prolong one’s life."

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