Friday, October 26, 2018

Important post

In 1979 I was talking to a top young woman's division leader. She was sure that thanks to the SGI there would be no more nukes within ten years. I tried to educate her about geopolitical realities, the SALT agreement, bubble economies, the role of militarism, and the fundamental nature of man's greed, anger, and stupidity. All she had to say was, "You will see. Thanks to SGI and Sensei, within ten years, there will be no more nukes." Then she impugned my faith.

Even Maxwell admitted that he was told 40 years ago that Kosen Rufu would be accomplished within 20 years. Unfortunately, with the spread of SGI, things have only gotten worse. We now live in a new cold war era, with more nukes and animosity than days past.

1 comment:

  1. True faith has nothing to do with being stupid. In fact being stupid has nothing to do with true faith.
