Monday, January 14, 2019

Response to Kasho "Buddha" aka Veggie Eddie by Jerry Shinkei Marcheso

You issued a challenge so now you will have to deal with the consequences.

Yours are the two types of slander called kenwaku, delusions of reason, and ken ju ken, regarding false views as correct views.

Because you are unable to read the gosho in the original language you are not qualified to make the statements you made. You distrust the various sects, yet you consider their spurious translations to be correct. This is not logical. 

You claim that you have read the gosho, but you have not read all the gosho that exist. Threre are many that you have never heard of. You don't realize that this is mappo, and as such the only precept is to chant the daimoku. This is what is refered to as the golden precept. You don't understand anything about ichinen sanzen as evidenced by your comments.

In the ken hobo sho it states there are no precepts, as does the kanjin honzon sho. 

You state you are enlightened. "In what sutra is it recorded that between the nirvana of the world honored one and the appearance of maitreya will a buddha appear? If it is not written, then who would believe such a thing?" -- Ken hobo sho.

"When Shakyamuni enters nirvana all the other buddhas that are his emanations and their lands cease to exist" Kanjin honzon sho

The beings in this world have a connection to the Eternal Shakyamuni. Period. 

You ignore the fact that plants and trees, specs of dust, everything has the potential to attain enlightenment. The buddha appears in what is called the keshin body to preach the law to animals.

Plants are living things, yet you deny their ability to attain enlightenment. Why do you not consider killing them to be incorrect?

Your contention that 'kaiten jobutsu', giving up evil equals enlightenment is incorrect. Nichiren disagrees.

Your 'manifesto' is more slanderous than daibadatta. Daibadatta was able to reach enlightenment because the slanders he committed were not against the teachings and votaries of the Lotus Sutra. Your contention that there is some new form of Buddhism for the 21st century is a slander that leads to mugen jigoku. You destroy the seeds of enlightenment and condemn yourself to untold aeons of suffering.

It would be best to engage in 'zange', apology to the gohonzon, the entity of the Eternal Buddha, and ask that somehow your slanderous attitude can be eradicated. It only takes one moment of correct faith, something that has obviously escaped you up to this point in time.



  2. This is good. I'm thinking his argument could likewise be applied to SGI and their president......would it not have been foretold, in writing, of the appearance of a significant other?

  3. First, I am not distrustful of the various sects but it has been my experience that none of the Priests of many of the other Nichiren sects I visited actually adhere to all of the 5 stages of practice (ie, very few maintain a vegan diet as required by the 4th stage & Shakyamuni).

    Admittedly I am at a great disadvantage because I have NOT read the actual Gosho as written by Nichiren’s hand and admittedly I have only read the 412 Gosho printed on the SGI’s website and it may very well be that some have been incorrectly translated or intentionally altered.

    Regardless, I have read 4 different translations of the Lotus Sutra and the complete Nirvana Sutra which are more important than Nichiren’s Gosho since, as Shakyamuni contends. “The Lotus Sutra is the Supreme teaching in all of Buddhism” and Shakyamuni wrote the Nirvana Sutra just prior to his death in order to outline and highlight the most important aspects of Buddhism, and NOT eating meat is one of them.

    The fact that Shakyamuni did not predict my coming does not negate the fact that I have attained Enlightenment and will describe it as best I can in my forth coming book. I don’t care whether anyone believes me or not. The fact is that I am able to replicate the experience at the mere thought and I have to fight the tears of Bliss from flowing down my cheeks several times each day.

    And I can affirm that while not all Vegans have attained Enlightenment I can affirm that anyone who has attained Enlightenment is instantly transformed into a permanent Vegan because the first thing one thinks of when they have the experience of becoming one with nature and the universe is a deep concern for the welfare of all sentient beings.

    There is a great distinction between sentient & non-sentient beings. All fruits & vegetables have a short life span and are meant to be used as food for man. They do NOT have the ability to attain Enlightenment in their current forms and animals only attain the same Enlightenment as humans after they have been reincarnated as a human.
    If you classify plants in the same category as humans then what are humans supposed to eat to survive?
    I never claimed there is a new form of Buddhism for the 21st Century. What I plan to explain is that in the 21st Century the correct practice of Buddhism is Nichiren’s Buddhism, which just so happens to be the most expeditious path to Enlightenment, as opposed to all of the other sects and forms of Buddhism which are based upon sutras of provisional teachings which no longer have the power they once did. The Lotus Sutra is Supreme.

    Myoho Renge Kyo is the Title of the Lotus Sutra ! The Gohonzon is a Graphical Image of the Lotus Sutra! And what most SGI members fail to realize is that when one chants “Nam Myoho Renge Kyo” one is actually saying:

    “I devote myself to and take faith in and shall abide by the teachings contained within the Lotus Sutra”

    While you slandered my Manifesto and advise me to repent in front of the Gohonzon, neither you nor anyone else who has read and criticized my Manifesto has yet to deny nor refute any of the Nichiren nor Lotus Sutra quotes I made, therein making my writing to be accurate.

    I have a couple of more points to make in defense of my Manifesto.

    You say, “In the ken hobo sho it states there are no precepts, as does the kanjin honzon sho.”

    Then why did Nichiren also state,

    “In an age when society accepts the True Law and honors the precepts while denouncing those who break or ignore them, one should strictly follow them all.”
    “Letter from Sado” – (Vol I p34)
    ------------------------------------------ -
    “The sacred teachings of Buddhism number no less than eighty thousand, but The father and mother of all the sects, the most important teaching, is that concerning the precepts and rules of conduct.”
    “A Sage and an Unenlightened Man” – (Vol 5 p45)
    -------------------------------------------- -

  4. You also said to me:
    “You ignore the fact that plants and trees, specs of dust, everything has the potential to attain enlightenment.
    Plants are living things, yet you deny their ability to attain enlightenment. Why do you not consider killing them to be incorrect?”

    To which I reply that Shakyamuni himself does differentiate between plants, trees and animals when in the Nirvana Sutra he tells us

    “All sentient beings possess the Buddha nature.”

    “This threefold world is my domain, and the living beings in it are all my children.” (Lotus Sutra – p.69)

    Are you reading this accurately? He says all SENTIENT beings” not “all LIVING beings”! which means that Shakyamuni does differentiate between animals and plants.

    And Nichiren also differentiates when he states:

    “"Every being, from the highest sage on down to the smallest mosquito or deer fly holds life to be its most precious possession. To deprive a being of life is to commit the gravest kind of sin.

    “When the Buddha appeared in this world, he made compassion for living beings his basis. And as an expression of compassion for living beings, not to take life and to provide sustenance for the living are the most important precept."
    (“Letter to Momitsu Shonin” MW-Vol 5, P.190)
    (Also known as “The Blessings of the Lotus Sutra”)
    ---------------------------------- -

    "Nothing throughout the entire major world system matches the value of a living being," which means that not even all the jewels and treasures that fill the entire major world system can equal the value of a life.
    (“Letter to Momitsu Shonin” MW-Vol 5, P.190)

    The KEY Word here is “Being”. Plants and trees are not beings. When they say being they are implying sentience.

    In spite of your criticisms and those of everyone else, not one person has yet to claim that any of the quotes I provided of Nichiren nor Shakyamuni to be false. If the quotes I wrote are accurate then the content and conclusion of my Manifesto is surely the truth as so stated by Shakyamuni and Nichiren.

    I grant you the fact that you have more knowledge and education of Nichiren’s writings than I do since you were trained in Japan and had access to better written Gosho. Also I don’t deny that in one of the Gosho Nichiren did refute the precepts but how do you explain all of the other many instances in which he tells us that as regards the precepts,
    “the most important teaching, is that concerning the precepts” and “one should strictly follow them all?”

    Have you never wondered about these contradictions before?

    So I imagine I don't have to write down for you the over 15 quotes of Shakyamuni & Nichiren in which they claim the Lotus Sutra is the Supreme teaching of the Latter Day of the Law..

    If you agree that the Lotus Sutra is the supreme teaching then how is it that neither you nor anyone else who criticizes my writings has ever refuted me with a quote from the Lotus Sutra nor Nirvana Sutras to prove me wrong?

    And while, to prove the points I made I quoted both Nichiren & Shakyamuni & the Lotus Sutra, you provided none of their quotes to refute my contentions! Therefore, all of your allegations are without merit!

    You say to me, “It would be best to engage in 'zange', apology to the gohonzon, the entity of the Eternal Buddha, and ask that somehow your slanderous attitude can be eradicated. It only takes one moment of correct faith, something that has obviously escaped you up to this point in time.”

    To that I say that the persons who should perform zange and repent and ask forgiveness in front of the Gohonzon are all of those practitioners who kill and eat the Buddha’s children everyday since the Buddha clearly teaches that there is no greater sin in all of Buddhism than the taking of a sentient being’s life.

  5. This Nichiren Priest is a FRAUD:
    Jerry, your ignorance is apparent!

    Jerry Shinkei Marcheso, a purported Nichiren Priest who wrote a slanderous reply to my Manifesto is surely lacking in credibility. I assert that he IS NOT himself practicing correctly through adherence of the full 5 Stages of Practice as so outlined in chapter 17 of the Lotus Sutra and affirmed by Nichiren in his Gosho “On The Four Stages of Faith and The Five Stages of Practice” because any Nichiren Priest who maintains a vegan diet to uphold and accord with the First Precept would never criticize my Manifesto. Rather, they would have praised me for it.
    Any Priest or practitioner who “can eat the flesh of living beings” cannot be a disciple of Shakyamuni and, therefore, is NOT A PRACTICING BUDDHIST!
    He is just another fraudulent Buddhist Priest trying to justify his meat-eating, non-Buddhist behavior, incredulously advising me to repent for my obeying the basic Buddhist precepts. His is a feeble attempt to falsely place the unjustified focus upon me and deflect away from his obvious refusal to abide by the primary Buddhist Law of the first precept, since the Buddha clearly asserts that anyone who eats meat is NOT his disciple.
    Jerry, you are lacking in credibility and devoid of compassion, the core and foundation of Buddhism.
    Anything that a meat-eating Buddhist Priest says lacks all credibility.
    What audacity Jerry has to recommend I engage in ‘zange’ (repentance) for my adhering to the First Precept “Do Not Kill” so that he can make a feeble attempt to justify his and everyone else’s meat-eating behavior and the needless killing of defenseless animals. This is sure certification of Jerry’s lack of compassion, the basis of all Buddhist teachings.
    Since the Buddha asserts that anyone who eats meat is not his disciple, I shall not address any more such ignorant comments relative to this issue. Be advised that I shall no longer hold discussion of this subject on this site, or any other Buddhist issue with anyone who has not read the ground-breaking book, “The World Peace Diet” by Dr. Will Tuttle.
    Jerry, your slanderous and vicious attack of me has won you an honorary spot into the “Hall of Shame” on the Buddhist Vegan Society website.

    1. in the latter day , if one has correct faith...which leads to a correct practice... which leads to eternal buddha hood, they will be treated with arrogance, hatred and scorn.

      does this remind anyone of nichiren?

      what is really stupid is that one can piss on nichiren and still chant the daimoku he brought. easy to practice...easy to understand. wrong !
