Saturday, February 16, 2019

Akemi Bailey-Haynie...Then why practice Ikedaism?

"We have members who are not winning...Our members are suffering. Many members are suffering from depression. Experiencing violence and have committed suicide...lack of hope...lack of courage...children have been abused...acts of passive violence...gossip...bullying... rude behavior...eye rolling...disregard and constant criticism..." -- Akemi Bailey-Haynie top SGI Woman's Division leader

1 comment:

  1. "We have members who are not winning...Our members are suffering. Many members are suffering from depression. Experiencing violence and have committed suicide...lack of hope...lack of courage...children have been abused...acts of passive violence...gossip...bullying... rude behavior...eye rolling...disregard and constant criticism..." -- Akemi Bailey-Haynie top SGI Woman's Division leader

    Our (we who practice Nichiren Lotus Sutra Buddhism) believers are winning and joyous. Few members are even mildly depressed. Protected and never ever thinking of suicide. Hopeful, courageous, children nurtured, no passive violence or hurtful words. Not one gossiping or bullying. Never rude (except to Nichiren Shoshu, Soka Gakkai, and Nichiren Shu members) to our fellow believers. We are not children, we don't roll our eyes, least of all to our fellow believers. None of us are disregarded and we rarely criticize each other, save for grievous actions against the Law and Buddha.

    To whose religion would you convert?
