Sunday, March 17, 2019

Letter from an Ikedabot

Dear Richie,

Thank you for sharing with me your e-mail/family situation/faith-oriented/dilemma.

In 1974, President Ikeda wrote this poem:


The paradise on earth is so filled with falsity
that it is not nearly enough for me.
Instead, I live through this day positively,
constructing a palace of life within my heart.

I’m shocked by neither threats nor censure.
Why? Because I realize that
anything which tries to obstruct an inevitability
on the one hand is false
and on the other
bound to confront a man who is ahead of his time.

Reflecting on the time in which this was written, I believe President Ikeda was referring
to the priesthood, but this poem could also refer to so many other situations in our lives.
The truth is Nam-myoho-renge-kyo and the three SGI Presidents have given their hearts and
actions to instilling a correct faith and practice in SGI members throughout the world.

The key is “wisdom”, and when wisdom is not used, a “cover-up” is the way out of a situation.

In For Today and Tomorrow Daily Encouragement, February 22nd, President Ikeda says in part,

“…Not giving up – that’s the only way. Once you give up you are defeated. This is equally true in the realm of faith. Quitting is not faith. We have to keep chanting until our prayers are answered. That is the correct way of prayer.”

You know the truth in your situation, Richie. You have to keep chanting with a sense of justice and deep faith to, like Greg Martin said, make the impossible possible, and to change poison into medicine. 

Nichiren said that the heart is the most important (“The Three Kinds of Treasure”) because with a kind, just heart we are able to enjoy the treasures of the body and the treasures of the storehouse.

Our chapter leader, Nick Miyazaki, is moving back to Japan after six years living in Hoffman Estates. He comes from a family of six children; his parents have a Joju Gohonzon (like the one Ted Osaki had). Nick owns a $500,000 apartment in Tokyo.

Nick puts 110% effort into everything he does. I shakubukued Mike, a young father and my student at MCC, in 2015. Nick raised him and now Mike is our MD district leader. Mike called me the other day and said that he believes that having the responsibility of being a MD district leader will make him a better person. Mike was in the Marines for four years, working on National Security. Mike also puts 110% into everything he does.

In November, 2014, at a Sophia Group graduation, Akemie Bayley-Heinie encouraged us to chant with infinite gratitude and to be in rhythm with Sensei’s heart. It was very natural for me to chant to be in rhythm with Sensei’s heart. That semester, at MCC, was the first semester I had Mike and his wife Kelsee in my class. They would be in two more classes with me. 

Infinite gratitude and chanting to be in rhythm with Sensei’s heart. This way of prayer will bring you peace, justice, happiness and change poison into medicine in your life, Richie. The universe is abundant in benefit.


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