Tuesday, May 21, 2019

My view

Nichiren saw how messed up the world was, despite nembutsu, zen, ritsu, shingon, and tendai. The Way of the Warrior was politic and most people lived less than 40 years. There were dead human and animal bodies all over the place, cannibalism, threats of war, famine, rampant diseases such as plague, tsunamis, earthquakes, slavery...obviously Nichiren felt strongly that he had a better way. Why wouldn't he promote what he believed was a better way, even if a few corrupt priests were to lose their heads (for what he believed was for the sake of mankind's eternal peace and happiness)? Today things are not much better with the threat of nuclear war, new more powerful nuclear weapons (such as hypersonic missiles and 100 megaton torpedo drones that can cause a radioactive tsunami) pollution, wars or the threat of war everywhere, malaria, ebola, hiv, fukushima... Everyone believing in a myriad of religions and philosophies does not lead to peace and security. One religion and philosophy IS the answer.


  1. You and Greg Romero (old senile dumbass) have absolutely no understanding of Nichirens teachings, who completely valued the sanctity of life as the basis of his doctrine yet here you are, making excuses for the beheading of corrupt priests.

    It goes to show how you and Greg imbecile are so desperate to twist any teaching just to suit your preferred bias. You belong in a sanitarium, just as evil and lunatic as Trump. Ha! Greg has never convinced anyone of his fake Buddhist bullshittery, since all he does is make retarded statements. Self-hating fool from a bygone era.

  2. No anonymous. It is you who fail to believe and understand the teachings. All you can do is parrot your corrupt Sensei's guidance

    The Mongol Envoys

    I CAN hardly express my joy at learning of your safe return from Kamakura. And I have received your news about the beheading of the Mongol envoys. It is indeed a pity that, while the priests of the Nembutsu, True Word, Zen, and Precepts schools, who are the enemies of our country, did not have their heads cut off, the innocent Mongol envoys have been beheaded.1 Those who are unaware of the particulars of the matter will no doubt think that I say this out of conceit because my prophecy has been fulfilled.2 Yet during this period of more than twenty years, this is what I have been privately lamenting about day and night to my disciples, and what I have publicly declared time and again.

    Among all grave matters, the ruin of the nation is gravest. The Sovereign Kings Sutra states, “Among all disasters, nothing surpasses the extreme gravity of losing the nation’s sovereign status.” This passage means that, among all evils, the worst is to become ruler, govern wrongfully, and have one’s nation defeated by a foreign land. The Golden Light Sutra also states, “Because evil people are respected and favored and good people are subjected to punishment, marauders will appear from other regions, and the people of the country will meet with death and disorder.” This passage means that, when a person becomes the ruler of a state, and values evil people while attaching blame to good ones, that country will surely be defeated by another land. The fifth volume of the Lotus Sutra states, “They will be respected and revered by the world as though they were arhats who possess the six transcendental powers.”3 While explaining the appearance of the enemies of the Lotus Sutra, this passage is saying that the ruler of the country will revere those who firmly uphold the two hundred and fifty precepts, and who appear to be like Mahākāshyapa and Shāriputra, and will attempt to destroy the votary of the Lotus Sutra.

    Now what is known as a teaching of importance is nothing special. One who can, in accordance with the time, discern without the slightest error what is important both for oneself and for the country is a person of wisdom. The Buddha is called worthy of respect because he ponders the past and knows the future. Nothing surpasses the wisdom of knowing the three existences. Although they were not Buddhas, because sages and worthies such as Nāgārjuna, Vasubandhu, T’ien-t’ai, and Dengyō, though not nearly to the same degree as the Buddha, generally understood the affairs of the three existences, their names have been passed on into the future.


  3. Ultimately, all phenomena are contained within one’s life, down to the last particle of dust. The nine mountains and the eight seas are encompassed in one’s body, and the sun, moon, and myriad stars are found in one’s life. We, however, are like a blind person who is incapable of seeing the images reflected in a mirror, or like an infant who has no fear of water or fire. The teachings such as those of the non-Buddhist writings and those of the Hinayana and provisional Mahayana Buddhist scriptures all partially explain the phenomena inherent in one’s life. They do not explain them as the Lotus Sutra does. Thus, among the sutras, there are both superior and inferior, and among people also, sages and worthies may be distinguished. Since there is too much to go into concerning the teaching, I will stop here.

    I deeply appreciate your sending a messenger so quickly after your return from Kamakura. And in addition, you sent me various offerings, which I am very glad to have received. While all the people in Japan lament, I, Nichiren, and my followers rejoice amid the grieving. Since we live in this country, we cannot possibly escape an attack from the Mongol forces, but because the heavenly gods know that we have been persecuted for the sake of our country, we can rejoice that we will surely be saved in our next life. Moreover, you have become indebted to the Mongol empire in your present life. Had this situation not arisen, as this year marks the thirteenth anniversary of the death of the lay priest of Saimyō-ji, the commemorative hunt would no doubt have been held on your estate. And you would be in Tsukushi like Lord Hōjō Rokurō.4 This runs contrary to the wishes of you and your clan. You are not being punished by others. From another point of view, could it not be that you have been saved due to the protection of the Lotus Sutra? Yours is a serious misunderstanding. Though so joyful a thing as this has occurred, and though I would have liked to go and congratulate you in person, others would hear of it and think it strange, so I have refrained.

    I responded immediately.


  4. What is truly a pity Anonymous is that your greedy corrupt Sensei and his top senior leaders did not have their heads cut off. That would be fitting punishment for your Treacherous Sensei and leaders for altering and debasing the teachings. I will have more to say on this matter.

  5. "When the Mongols come to make their assault, what will you do? Even if you should put this copy of the Lotus Sutra on your head or hang it around your neck and flee to the northern mountains, the fact remains that over a period of many years you have given support to the Nembutsu priests and have recited the Nembutsu yourself, and in doing so, have made yourself an enemy of Shakyamuni Buddha and of the Lotus Sutra."

    And you give support to Daisaku Ikeda and the top SGI senior leaders who are a billion trillion times worse than the Nembutsu priests. BTW you can take Soka Gakkai interfaith and shove it where the sun don't shine.

  6. “If it wasn’t for us you ungrateful pig.” -- SGI member and former friend


    And do you know, the best thing about the whole essay is that the person who slandered me, is no longer in the Soka Gakkai, he (Frank Migliozzi) is practicing happily as an Independent.

  7. In faith and understanding of the teachings of the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren (The Teacher for the Latter Day), we here reign supreme.

    We posses as proof, both a bodily reading of the Lotus Sutra and belief in Nichiren's Gosho as proof.

  8. In faith and understanding of the teachings of the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren (The Teacher for the Latter Day), we here reign supreme.

    We posses as proof, both a bodily reading of the Lotus Sutra and unwavering belief in Nichiren's Gosho.

  9. also, our unwavering efforts to preserve Nichiren's teachings for posterity, not Ikeda's.
