Sunday, June 2, 2019

Thanks to Soka Gakkai, the Law is about to disappear.

"The Nirvana Sutra says: 'Within the Order there are wise disciples who understand profound doctrines, while in secular circles there are pure-minded lay supporters. Thus the Buddha’s Law will long endure.' Thus the Great Teacher T’ien-t’ai talked Mao Hsi and others into supporting him, and the Great Teacher Dengyō had Kunimichi and Hiroyo to rely upon." -- Nichiren


  1. I'm really glad I found your website. It's been one of several sources of information that I've found about SGI.

    I recently got caught up with SGI during a difficult time in my life (as many do). I began by attending daimoku at a local SGI center and was immediately surrounded by kind, supportive people who encouraged me to chant to help find a job. I have to admit, the chanting to Gohonzon gave me a sense of peace and confidence, and I felt inspired in my job hunt. I resisted however the pressure from the SGI members to get a gohonzon and to do shakabuku.

    What changed things for me? The worship of Ikeda as Sensei truly creeped me out. The Sensei song, people talking about connecting to the heart of Sensei. The glossy magazine articles about how wonderful he is. Way too cultish. I was also turned off by SGI's constant rehashing of their conflict with NSA. It would be like the Vatican constantly bitching about the Protestant reformation from centuries ago. Talk about carrying a grudge. But SGI wants its members to tow the official party line. Ikeda controls the narrative for SGI followers so they only get one side of the story - Ikeda's.

    After doing research online about SGI, I came to the conclusion that Ikeda and his SGI have ruined Nichiren buddhism for everyone. SGI is a cult. But like it or not they are the face of Nichiren's teachings that people see in the West. SGI definitely has the slick marketing campaign. What SGI doesn't have is the ability to attract and keep new members. People like me will only go so far into SGI then back away once they realize what's going on.

    I have now been hired for a job, and I chanted one last time before the SGI center's Gohonzon just to say thank you for the help I received. I saved a photo of a Gohonzon that you have on your website and I will chant to that image if I choose to continue daimoku. I'm not sure yet. There is something about chanting to Gohonzon that brings sense of peace and well-being. Maybe it's endorphins. Maybe it's truly something mystic. Who knows. I will miss the kindness and encouragement of the people I met. I believe many of them truly are kind and sincere, and they really do mean well.

    What did I learn from all of this? To trust my gut.

    Any advice or guidance from anyone?

  2. You will find encouragement and compassion from Shakyamuni Buddha, Nichiren, your family and close friends. These SGI are not your real friends. When they find out that you want absolutely nothing to do with the SGI cult, they will drop you like a hot potato.

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    3. MYT... i built nasa/sgi in the 60's and 70's. till '87. your comment is very good except it is not nsa but nst. they do not follow nichiren, therefore the buddha. instead they slander the real teachings and faith. keep the faith . chuck the cult.

      the lotus sutra says... in the latter day it will be difficult to believe and difficult to understand. not impossible...difficult. only the few can continue. feel free to check me on this. good luck.
