Sunday, July 14, 2019

How to pronounce the Daimoku of the Lotus Sutra Mantra

I = beats

    I   I    I    I     I    I     I                  I     I    I    I    I     I 
Namu Myoho renge kyo or Namu Myoho renge kyo

Na Mu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo [Na Moo Meo Ho Wren Gay Keyo]


Namu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo [Namoo Meo Ho Wren Gay Keyo]


  1. i am one of the few the buddha speaks of in the lotus sutra. i tell u this.... chant NAMU MYOHO RENGE KYO and follow nichiren to the best of your ability. faith in the lotus sutra is the answer. cheers.

  2. Thank you for posting this video! My home was flooded and although the Gohonzon was saved I lost all else, I am looking for an online version of the Kempon Hokke prayer book to use while we're in a hotel during reconstruction. Is it online anywhere? Thank you again

    1. I'll send you a prayer book. Sorry to hear about your losses. Prosperity must be around the corner. Do you have animals?

    2. denigrate the Daimoku of the Lotus Sutra with your words. Your slander is not slight.

    3. shawnee...your kosen fufu looks a little funny ! alright...go back to sleep !

  3. Who cares what Rogrow says. The fake little trump- patriot and zionist. Advocates violence. It lies to itself and everyone else. Rogrow is not a real Buddhist anyway. Go meditate. Get some true peace of mind. Real self-insight.

    1. u r a fool shawnee. chant namu myoho renge kyo and follow nichiren to the best of your ability. watch out for phony cults and those that pervert real buddhism. /// mandalamama ...mark can help u.

      we r the few that the buddha about in the lotus sutra.

    2. we r the few that the buddha speaks of in the lotus sutra.

  4. shawnee... trump is the effect of your and your nests perverse slander. best open your eyes.
