Friday, August 9, 2019

Thanks Katie

Hi Mark, 

I see you have another shari hotsu seeking a wider audience on Eagle Peak.

One particle statement from whosie-whatzit Shonin says it all:

>>" My knowledge is so vast compared to you now sir with all respect. It would take you a decade just to read the Buddhist works and others to see what I am saying. Are you denying the two Ashokas exist? Mark this is a ridiculous argument I have all the evidence respectfully my friend. Please do the research before you judge.”<<

Sami-bo comes to mind— 

Lessons I learned from Shoshu Jerry - in summary, his superior knowledge amounted to: 

1) Suggesting that one cannot follow Nichiren without the help of a “scholar”, ME, a humble Nichiren priest. 

2) Claiming their own superior knowledge is “a teaching” you must hear!

3) Seeking to promote “ a better way” to practice and propagate the Law- as though Nichiren was somehow deficient.

4) Implying that FAITH. SINCERITY, DEFERENCE and GRATITUDE for The Buddha, The Lotus Sutra and Nichiren


ultimately, these Law devouring hungry spirits seek their own personal glory. They are a pernicious distraction—

Just sayin’


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