Tuesday, October 1, 2019

"The SGI is in shambles" - current SGI member

"I am a Nichiren Daishonin true Buddhist... and I am an SGI member... I remember when I was 4 years old... and the first time I saw a picture of Daisaku Ikeda he was riding in his limousine. Even at that age.. I asked my mother why does he need a limousine? and my mother said it was because he met with important dignitaries and he needed a respectable car. And at 4 years old... my immediate reply was...

I've known my entire life that Daisaku Ikeda was a corrupt con artist living off of the members contributions, but I am glad to finally hear the true story about how corrupt he really is.

the truth always comes out, no matter how hard you try to bury it or cover it up.

The SGI is in shambles. The members have all fallen into hell because all they study is Daisaku Ikeda's books and not the writings of Nichiren Daishonin.

The leadership has been taken over by corrupt businessman and they've hired "leaders" to travel from city to city to give "guidance" to members. Their "Guidance" is always for you to follow SGI Dogma and read Daisaku Ikeda's books.

They are even teaching new members and leaders that the teachings of Nichren Daishionin no longer work. That they only worked 700 years ago and now Daisaku Ikeda's teachings are the teaching for the Modern Era.

The entire organization is corrupt from top to bottom.

As I said... I am a Nichiren Daishonin true buddhist. I only practice the Daishonin's teachings and I only study the Daishonin's writings.

And I am reading posts on this website to further my research into the corruption and takeover of the SGI... Any information that can help expose the truth about the Ikeda Cult is good and welcomed information.

thank you for your posts."

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