Saturday, November 16, 2019

Daisaku (flip-flop) Ikeda's paltry wisdom.

"With such paltry wisdom it is unwarranted for you to declare that you will dispel the people's doubts. The monks Kugan and Shoi thought they knew the True Law and intended to save the people, but they fell into the hell of incessant suffering along with their disciples and lay believers. If you, with your limited knowledge of Buddhist doctrines, preach in an attempt to save many people, then surely you and your followers will fall into the hell of incessant suffering. You had better reconsider such preaching from this day forth. I had not felt that I should speak in this way; but I, too, cannot be exempted from the Buddha's warning that if one sees a misguided priest sending others into hell with his evil teachings and fails to reproach that priest and expose his errors, then he himself is an enemy of Buddhism. Moreover, I feel pity that all those, both high and low, who listen to your preaching will fall into the evil paths. Therefore I am speaking out in this way. A wise man is so called because he admonishes the ruler when the country is endangered or because he corrects others' mistaken views. But in your case I can do nothing, because, no matter what error you may see, you will no doubt refuse to correct it for fear of society's reaction. Even if I had Monju's wisdom and Purna's eloquence, they would be wasted on you." -- Letter of Petition from Yorimoto


  1. It is like going to a strange regimented, political ralley. Not unlike one of the Trump rallies these days. It is without that venom but the cheer-leader, and cult worship is there.
    No negative thinking allowed among SGI members or meetings! It might ruin the brain-washing tone, of the meetings.
    All good clones, must be positive. One must never say anything, that has negative vibes, man.
    The ikeda-norman-vincent peale-law of attraction-Japanese Pseudo- Prosperity, Buddhist Ministry has to keep going. So sign your checks to SGI, sing the hitlerite Sensei Worship songs and win, win, win! Don't bother to atlk about the Typhoon, that recently devastated Tokyo. or the multiple district leaders that are quitting. Too negative.
    Get on your feet and win while spoiled rich kids are paraded before you bragging about their good fortune and prosperity.

    Soka Gakkai meetings are very phoney.

  2. So true. There is no dialogue in Ikedaism. In fact, Nichiren would be a pariah in Soka Gakkai because he always told it like it is, suffering what there was to suffer and enjoying what there was to enjoy. "Happy, happy, joy, joy" is Hinduism, not Buddhism.

    In reality, Happy, happy, joy, joy as long as you tow the Ikeda party line. Deviate by one nano-meter and the real SGI cult anger nature comes out to bash you in the head. A perfect example is the Chanting Growers Group. There is no room for dissent. Disagree with Thomas Pass the Doobie and you are his "brother" no more.
