Saturday, December 7, 2019

"Life condition" and complaining according to Soka Gakkai

Complaining Burns benefits?

"Connect strongly with your leaders. Don't complain to anyone but them, if you must complain. (Keep in mind that complaining burns benefits,) but if you have negative feelings it is ok to express them to one of your leaders. They can encourage you and help you find your way out of what ever obstacle you're encountering."  --SGI leader

Except of course when it comes to complaining about the Nichiren Shoshu and other Nichiren sects and members. 

SGI cult speak: "Life condition"

"Life condition", expression used by the SGI cult. It is nowhere to be found in the Lotus Sutra or Gosho. "Life condition" may be either "high" or "low". When referring to critics of SGI, it is always "low". When talking to other members, it may be either high or low. Low is always a pejorative. Anyone who complains is said to have a "low" life condition. Nichiren Daishonin sometimes complained about the cold, lack of food, lack of clothing, and loneliness. Were he an SGI member, they would be whispering behind his back that "he has a low life condition." One day, after having chanted several hours of Daimoku, "wide awake" [in the Buddhist sense] and very joyful, I came upon several former SGI friends and leaders. After a tepid greeting from them, the first thing they said to me was, "since leaving the SGI you have a low life condition." I broke out in a hearty laugh and went on my way.

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