Saturday, December 7, 2019

Nichiren on overcoming sorrow by paying homage to Shakyamuni Buddha (of the Juryo Chapter)

"You Jonin Toki brought your mother`s ashes to Minobu and placed them at the altar where the Buddha Shakyamuni, our original teacher, is enshrined. Prostrating yourself in front of the altar, holding your hands together in gassho, you paid homage to the Buddha. You have overcome your sorrow at your mother`s death and firmly believed your mother was saved by the teachings of the Lotus Sutra. Thus, you were released from your sorrow. All of your body — your head, hands, legs, and mouth — are all inherited from your parents. This kinship between your parents and you is like the relationship between seed and fruit. Therefore, as your mother is saved, you are also saved by the teachings of the Lotus Sutra." --Nichiren’s Words –Bo Jikyo Ji

"However, later seeking and entering the deep cave, you see a single hermitage. The voices of the reading and reciting of the Hokekyo echo against blue heaven and the words of discussing the doctrine of the One Vehicle are heard in the midst of the mountains. Informing [them, of your presence and requesting] admittance, you enter the chamber, place your mother's bones before the Master of Teachings Lord Shakya, cast your five limbs to the ground, press your palms together, and opening your two eyes, look up to the Holy Face: joy overflows your body and the pain of your heart suddenly ceases." (On Forgetting Ones Copy Of The Lotus Sutra, NOPPA Translation)


  1. the world today is reflection of imelda and his cult. the perfect mirror. sad indeed.
