Saturday, December 28, 2019

SGI India Anirban Shaw on the post, The Definitive Analysis Why SGI is a Cult with Commentary

Anirban Shaw: Hello author. I started reading this post looking for a fresh perspective but I did not have to reach 10 sentences to figure out that you are grossly misled. I would not waste my time invalidating your ridiculous post...,

Commentary: Then she goes on to do exactly what she states she will not do, "waste her time invalidating my ridiculous post." 

Anirban Shaw: but I would say this. SGI DOES NOT allow any kind of monetary transaction to be taken place between members or leaders.

Commentary: Yes, only monetary transactions between members, leaders, and the Soka Gakkai cult to the tune of billions of dollars. No one else is deserving of the members and leaders money, not hospitals nor charities, only the SGI?

Anirban Shaw: The SGI's mission is to spread and propagate the Lotus Sutra. Now, understand this. You are a leader. You are given the responsibility to propagate Nichiren Buddhhism as you are very well fond of it. Can you explain a valid, free, self-sustaining method? If you can I would suggest, you contact Dr. Daisaku Ikeda for he's in need of a successor.

Commentary: I contact the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren who fully explains the valid, FREE, self sustaining method. Thank you very much!

Anirban Shaw: As far as I have understood, the model of the SGI is the best possible model to propagate the Lotus Sutra as nowadays people have lost all forms of faith. And if SGI is paving the pathway towards it, I don't understand your deep dissatisfaction with it.

Commentary: No. The model of the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren is the best possible model to propagate the Lotus Sutra. SGI propagates Ikedaism.

Anirban Shaw: You are right in what you say about SGI but they are wrongly interpreted. for example when you say "chanting becomes nothing more than a thought-stopping technique", you are right. But do you realize that at the core of the Lotus Sutra, this is what it says. You cannot be worried. But nobody can ever tell you to not think good things. Do you do that. Do we all think good good things all the time? I'm sure of that answer and I know so are you. I hope you understand what I'm saying even if its a fraction.

Commentary: I found out this article was written by a former ghost writer for Ikeda. One can not stop their thoughts according to Nichiren who writes:

"Simply chant Namu Myoho renge kyo and strive to attain the way"; 
and "Thus he states: 'Chant the Lotus Sutra with your ordinary 
distracted mind. You do not have to enter into a state of mental 
concentration. Whether sitting, standing, or walking, just fix 
your whole mind on the words of the Lotus Sutra.'-- Nichiren 

Commentary: About thinking good things, no one could be more joyful and "thinkers of good things" than the followers of the Supreme Votary of the Lotus Sutra, Nichiren. Certainly not the followers of Daisaku Ikeda, the corrupter of Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism.

Anirban Shaw: I can go on and on commenting on this infuriating post, but I would stop here as I can understand that you are grossly cruelly misled. I would suggest you chant and chant your life away.You have been taken advantage of and I would tell you to reach out and try to understand the true motive behind SGI.
With Regards
Anirban Shaw

Commentary: You tell us to chant "our lives away". Is this the behavior of a Buddha or is this proof of the depraved life conditions of the members of the Ikeda cult? You have no mirror. Your Nichikan no-Honzon has no power to transform people into Buddhas. The Lotus Sutra transforms one thousand out of one thousand people into Buddhas. This is proof that what you spread is not the Lotus Sutra but the machinations of a warped teacher. 

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