Saturday, December 28, 2019


"Japan is completely contaminated, with very high level radionuclides. From the explosions, the fuel fire. It is contaminated from burning waste and topsoil, all over the country from Fukushima. Japan is the sickest, of sick places. It is barely survivable. Japanese, people who go to visit Japan, will not talk about their trips. They say it was ok, without going into details. It is a nightmare! Every relative and friend sick, dying, or dead. The projection that SGI and Japan are doing well is completely inaccurate and fabricated.

Scientists found, at most 600 Bq/kg Cs137 at the Chernobyl Evacuation zone, 7 years after that accident. They are finding 10,955 Bq/kg Cs-137 in cow stools by fukushima .

100 Bq/kg Cs-137 for a few months, is enough to cause sterility, permanent heart damage and cancer death in a year and there is 100 times that amount. They have found 5,000 Bq/kg Cs-137 by Tokyo and Yokohama, 150 to 200km south of Fukushima. That is because three reactors blewup and melted down and a fuel tank with used hilevel radionuclide caught fire for a while. The japanese have been burning nuclear waste all over Japan as well.

Marco Kaltofen@MKaltofen

Nov 26 2019
Our lab found domestic cow stools with up to 10,955 Bq/kg Cs-137 & 646 Bq/kg Cs-134 (from Namie - 6/14/18), despite an air dose only 4X background as beta. These animals (and even their eventual remains) are necessarily permanent residents of the restricted zone.

Wild monkey's stool emits #radiation around x 3 of background air dose. It means devastating amount of radionuclides are contained in it.

Appreciate him for sharing us of rare reports on how some places in east #Japan are so contaminated w/#Fukushima Dai-ichi fallout.


  1. My wife Nancy comments..."Misery loves company so they are contaminating the whole world then the whole world will have to help Japan."


    Listen to this.

    There are places all over the USA like Los Alamos and Santa Fe That are worse than you know

    There are 90 old beat-up reactors in the USA reactors ready to blow in the USA that are worse than Fukushima. 30 to 40 years old with holes in their containment vesssels and little to know backup. Unmonitored now. Lke Fukushima was when it blew.

    Thugs just enforced a reactor in Ohio staying opened, that is ready to blow.

    These reactors in Ohio are ready to explode. People are being thugged and threatened with violence, into not signing a popularly supported referendum, to  close the Nasy Old  Ohio Reactors. That is how psychotic things are

    Watch "Ohio wants taxpayers to support aging nuclear plant" on YouTube

    If you talk to any SGI Membrs they will tell You that Nuclear Energy is the safest thing there is. There are three reactors there ready to blow right now. One of them this plutonium reactor in Ikata

    I know Japan is a thousand times more radioactive than Hanford which is one of the worst places in the world. I have had 4 friends and two family members die in the last 5 years of cancer and sudden cardiac arrrest, with no history of heart trouble.

    1. There is nothing that can be done for Japan. The Japanese Government does not care. America does not care. There will be another nuclear accident, there soon. That is if another one has not already happened. They burn nuclear waste from Fukushima, all over Japan making it worse. They are simply pretending to clean Fukushima up. It is a thousand times worse than Chernobyl. The Russians at least tried. The only thing America is doing for Fukushima is allowing heavily contaminated food to come here, from there.
      Millions have died from Chernobyl. Half the kids have birthdefects birthed by parents within 150 miles of Chernobyl.
      80 percent of the Children in a major swath of Belarus, have the genetic marker for chernobyl heart, from radioactive cesium fallout. FALLOUT that the russians seeded out of the clouds over Belarus after the Chernnobyl accident. The Russian's did that, so the fallout would not reach Russia.

      You do the math with Fukushima being a thousand times worse than chernobyl. Reindeer continue to defecate radioactive cesium, from Cesium in Lichen, in Scandanavia 33 years after Chernobyl.

      Then there was the Japanese Secret's Act Pushed through the Diet by Abe and SGI's Koneito in 2014. No one can help Japan.

      In 2014, Japan passed the Act on the Protection of Specially Designated Secrets, which tightened government controls and sanctions on information, allegedly at the behest of the US government:
      Shusuke Mura. NSA whistleblower Snowden says U.S. government carrying out mass surveillance in Japan. Jun 4, 2016

      Officially known as the Act on the Protection of Specially Designated Secrets, which went into effect in 2014, the law gives ministries and agencies discretion to classify information in areas such as defense, counterterrorism and diplomacy as state secrets. Leakers, including civil servants, could face up to 10 years in prison and those who instigate such leaks, including journalists, could be subjected to five-year prison terms.

      The law was steamrolled through the Diet in 2013 by the administration of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe despite a mass public outcry over the obscure nature by which information will be designated as a state secret.

      In an interview with the weekly magazine Sunday Mainichi in its Tuesday edition, Snowden said the enactment of the controversial law was requested and designed by the U.S. government to facilitate the NSA’s espionage activities in Japan

  3. The Russians. The USA. The French. The British have pushed a half million tons of Radioactive old reactors and their waste, radioactive nuclear submarines and their waste, raw high level nuclear waste, into the Arctic ocean mostly but also N Atlantic, The N Pacific and Baltic Sea. Done in the past 60 years. There is a large current going by Fukushima to the Arctic. Then there are the nuclear weapon's tests, in the oceans. We all live in a dream world. Japan is barely coping. The oceans are dying
