Sunday, December 8, 2019

Why are some Soka Gakkai members called "top leaders"? -- Jodine from the Phillipinnes

"Couldnt help but roll my eyes, when the words "top leaders" are mentioned...well, I'm a bottom It seems to be such a useless badge that only succeeds in offending ordinary members and raising their ire...Isnt it crap? You are only popular in sgi, other than that, what?? Get some life... You know, ', and move on in the heart of real humanity......I'm tired of all that crap, top crap of top leaders etc...its all junk...........I'm no longer impressed and I'm tired of all that name leaders for what? To crack the arse of religion and play on people's beliefs? People are not made for shut up with that term..its rubbish."-- Jodine

Answer: Jodine, they make top money so they are called top leaders.

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