Sunday, January 19, 2020

Question and answer on the characteristics of Namu Myoho renge kyo

2.) Some related but somewhat scattered questions on the Mystic Law: Can we speak of the Mystic Law having characteristics? For example, in Hinduism Brahman is described as sat-chit-ananda: being, consciousness, bliss, but that's essentially where the tradition ends its description, not wanting to reify/limit Brahman. Is the Mystic Law personal? Does it have characteristics? In what sense might one see it as theologian Paul Tillich described God-- as the "ground of being"?

All phenomena possess the Ten Factors: Namu Myoho renge kyo 1). Appearance, the characters that make up the Daimoku and the sound; 2). Nature, the compassionate nature of the Eternal Buddha; 3) Essence of all phenomena; 4) Power to bring all beings to Buddhahood; 5). Action, the activity produced from the potency of the Daimoku, the behavior of a Buddha; 6). Cause or internal cause. the habitual chanting of the Daimoku with faith as the causal seed of the various (good) karmas; 7). Condition or external cause, the assisting condition, an external matter (Gohonzon of Namu Myoho renge kyo) that aids the Internal or principle cause to bring about the effect of Buddhahood. 8). Effect:, the habitual effect of chanting Daimoku of constantly returning to the World of Buddhahood or the result of actions (karma) produced by the Cause and Condition. 9). Retribution. the joyful life received in future lives of the good cause and condition of the Namu Myoho renge kyo and good effects in the present life. 10). The Ultimate Equality of the Original and the Last: The preceding nine factors of Namu Myoho renge kyo are ultimately one and the same or coextensive.


  1. I don't recall Original Buddha Sakayamuni saying to only chant the title? It's the Mystic Law? What is mystic about it?

    1. because u missed nichiren......the eternal essence is n the title. it embodies the entire summation or conclusion. this is a good question for someone who know nothing of the teachings. cheers.

  2. Here is the evidence:

    I once counted "this Sutra" (Myoho renge kyo) more than 40 times in the Lotus Sutra, not to mention "Lotus Flower Sutra"

    Then there is "hearing no more than one verse", or "recites even one verse of scripture", "as soon as they have heard one verse they will all without doubt be certain of attaining buddhahood." "But the fiftieth person who hears one verse [of the Lotus Sutra] and responds with joy gains blessings that are far greater, beyond description by simile or parable." "Versus of praise" (Namu) over and over: and most importantly, "and uphold even one four line verse (Namu[1] Myoho[2] renge[3] kyo[4].

    Lastly: "One who can uphold this sutra" (over and over)...

    "After the thus come one has passed into extinction,
    this person will know the sutras preached by the Buddha,
    their causes and conditions and their proper sequence,
    and will preach them truthfully in accordance with principle.
    As the light of the sun and moon
    can banish all obscurity and gloom,
    so this person as he advances through the world
    can wipe out the darkness of living beings,
    causing immeasurable numbers of bodhisattvas
    in the end to dwell in the single vehicle.
    Therefore a person of wisdom,
    hearing how keen are the benefits to be gained,
    after I have passed into extinction
    should accept and uphold this sutra.
    Such a person assuredly and without doubt
    will attain the buddha way."

    "This person" can be none other than Nichiren. Have you Anti Religion realized ever principle and phrase as has Nichiren? I advise you to chant Namu Myoho renge kyo and stop your foolishness.

    1. I appreciate your concern. Nichiren was not the Buddha. Things aren't so just because Nichiren said so. It has to make sense. Besides with all the forgeries you have no idea of his real thought. I admire him.

      I see those that join Nichiren Japanese Rejigions, they do not become compassionate humans. They lose their sense of what is right and wrong. Become adrenaline religious data fencers.

      These last ten years I have read all Nichiren's works, read the Lotus Sutra in English over 5.000 times, chanted over 122 million Daimoku for the 120,000 bodhisatva's in the last kalpa keeping the Dharma from disappearing.(from Buddha Sutra).

      If you keep doing what you are doing and still suffering your not being a marter, you have given up on Original Buddha Sakyamuni. For your families sake, you should open your ears and heart and stop judging, let me talk to you.

  3. You missed the Original Buddha Sakyamuni
    There is nothing to support your theory, and there are no positive results. Nichiren was great, but when common people join so-called Nichiren Religion, I have seen 100% suffer and some go crazy.

  4. Here's more evidence because you are so blind to the truth:

    Why Nichiren Daishonin is the Supreme Votary of the Lotus Sutra and Bruce Maltz is a firefly laughing at the sun in several parts.

    What are some of the benefits of having faith in the Lotus Sutra? Parking Spaces? No. When we receive merits from Lord Shakyamuni Buddha we receive the merits needed to become a Buddha. In the Lotus Sutra Chapter Twenty-five, The Universal Gate of Kanzeon Bosatsu Fumonbon, we learn through fantastic imagery the promises of benefits that we inherit from Kannon or Kanzeon Bosatsu, literally, He Who Observes the Sounds of the World Bodhisattva. The Buddha describes the perils from which Avalokitesvara will save the people who have faith in the Lotus Sutra and these perils are repeated in the verse section [although they do not exactly match those in the prose section]. Please note how Nichiren Daishonin validates the Lotus Sutra by living the promises of the Sutra

    Those who have faith in the Lotus Sutra and Lord Shakyamuni Buddha, in the following situations will be free from harm like Nichiren who lived nearly every line of the Lotus Sutra literally:


    1. If a man falls into a great fire, he will not burn. [unlike High Priest Nikkyo of the Nichiren Shoshu]

    2. If he is carried away by a great wave, he will find a shallow place. [exactly as Nichiren Daishonin during the Izu exile]

    3. If he enters the sea in search of riches and a black wind carries the ship to the realm of the Rakushasa, he will be saved. [Nichiren Daishonin on his voyage to Sado]

    4. If he is about to be murdered, swords and weapons will break. [Nichiren Daishonin at Tatsunokuchi]

    5. If hordes of yakshas and Rakushasa try to do him harm, they will not even be able to see him. [Nichiren Daishonin as he escaped from Seichoji and Matsubagayatsu]

    6. Regardless of guilt, if he is in fetters or stocks, they will be broken. [Nichiro in prison]

    7. If he is full of lust, he will be cured of it. [Nichiren remained a true celibate priest throughout his life]

    8. If bandits find travelers with precious gems on a dangerous road, the travelers will be saved. [Nichiren Daishonin at Komatsubara]

    9. If full of anger, he will lose it. [Nichiren towards his faithful disciples]


  5. Part 2

    10. If full of folly, he will be cured of it. [Nichiren Daishonin having chanted the Nembutsu]

    11. If a woman wants a son, she will bear one.

    12. If a woman wants a daughter, she will bear one.


    1. If a man is pushed into a Pit of fire, the pit will turn into a pool. [Nichiren Daishonin's escape from his burning hut during the persecution at Matsubagayatsu,]

    2. If he is afloat on a great sea in which there are fish, dragons, and ghosts, waves will not drown him. [Izu exile]

    3. If he is pushed off the peak of Mount Sumeru, he will dwell in space like the sun. [Nichiren's (Sun Lotus') repeated exiles and banishments]

    4. If he is chased down a diamond mountain by an evil man, he will not be harmed. [Nichiren Daishonin's escape from Tojo Kagenobu on mount Kiyasumi]

    5. If he is surrounded by bandits waving swords, their thoughts will be transformed to kindly ones. [Tatsunokuchi persecution]

    6. If he faces execution, the executioner's sword will break. [Tatsunokuchi]

    7. If he is in a pillory with his hands and feet in stocks, he will gain release. [Nichiro]

    8. If someone harms him through spells, curses, or poisons, the victim can send them back to plague their authors. [A). Nichiren was given food laced with poison. Before he ate it, he laid it down on a tree stump. A dog came by, took a few bites, and became violently ill. B). Those who suffered untoward deaths for persecuting Nichiren Daishonin]

    9. If he encounters Rakushasa, dragons, or ghosts, they will not harm him. [Nichiren encountering evil men on a daily basis, many of whom became his disciples]

    10. If he is surrounded by beasts with sharp claws and teeth, they will flee.

    11. If confronted with snakes or insects breathing fire, the sound of one's voice will dispel them.

    12. If threatened with thunder, hail, or lightning, he will remain dry. [Nichiren in his many dilapidated huts].

    13. If one has misfortunes and troubles, one can be rescued. [Nichiren on a daily basis]


  6. Part 3

    14. If one’s destiny is the world of hells, ghosts, or beasts, it can be changed. [Nichiren, according to Nichiren himself, in the Opening of the Eyes, The Selection of the Time, and Letter from Sado, for example]

    15. The pains of birth, old age, sickness, and death can be alleviated. [Nichiren Daishonin as our example].

    16. Darkness will be dispelled by the light of wisdom, which also subdues winds and flames. [Nichiren Daishonin subduing the Mongols with the Great Wind]

    17. The agony of civil disputes on the battlefield will be avoided. [Komatubara persecution]

    In the verse section, perils thirteen through sixteen are written in a different form from the earlier ones and are more comprehensive and general.

    The seventeenth peril is written in the same manner as the earlier ones but contains two distinct perils, as does the sixteenth.

    Between the prose and the verse section's lists of dangers, is a question by Aksayamati Bodhisattva about how Kannon moves within the world. The Buddha replies that the bodhisattva takes many different forms, as does Fine Sound Bodhisattva, described in chapter twenty-four. Kannon (Avalokitesvara) can appear as a Buddha, pratyekabuddha, or Sravaka; as Brahma, Indra, Lsvara, Mahesvara, Mahesana, or Vairsavana; as a minor king, rich man, householder, official, Brahman, bhikshu, Bhikshsuni, upasaka, Upasaka, wife of a householder, wife of a rich man, wife of an official, wife of a Brahman, boy, or girl; or as a god, dragon, yaksha, gandharva, Asura, garuda, kinnara, mahoraga; as a human, nonhuman, or Vajrapani. Aksayamati then presents a necklace to Kannon, who accepts and divides it, giving one part to Prabhutaratna and the other to Sakyamuni. The chapter ends with a statement that eighty-four thousand of the assembly embarked on the path to enlightenment.

  7. Nichiren's Rules For Doing Good

    Do All The Good You Can,
    In All The Ways You Can,
    To All The People You Can,
    In Every Place You Can
    At All The Times You Can
    As Long As Ever You Can
