Saturday, January 25, 2020

The Ten Worlds

Every one, every society and environment, principally reveals one or several of the Ten Worlds from moment to moment. They habitually return to one or several of the Ten Worlds but all possess the Ten Worlds regardless of the one or several words they manifest recurrently. Therefore, every person, society and environment has the potential to manifest the Noble Four Worlds (Worlds seven through ten).

  1. Hell: Gastric Cancer; Multiple life threatening traumas; severe depression; a tooth ache; fighting/warring; losing a loved one, migraine headache; torture. 
  2. Hunger: Never satisfied; Refusing to allow others to listen to our sermons; starvation; Greedy men and women.
  3. Animality: Instinctual; unthinking; sleeping much, lashing out to the mildest affront; eating, defecating; breathing; big dog, little dog; fawning
  4. Anger: Quick tempered; yelling and screaming; thinking oneself better than others;
  5. Tranquility: a day at the beach; watching television; a stroll through the garden; resting
  6. Rapture; Hitting the Lottery; orgasm; the birth of a child. Fleeting usually. It is taught that the World of Rapture quickly degenerates into the World of Hell
  7. Learning: Studying; utilizing the teachings of others; self reflection; self satisfied understanding; attaining a type of Therevadan Enlightenment through the teachings of others
  8. Absorption: Creating something, music, architecture, surgery, self satisfied understanding; having a personal goal; Attaining a type of Theravadan Enlightenement by seeing the utter transience of the world all by oneself.
  9. Bodhisattva: single pointed caring and love for a child, spouse, parent; love of humanity; sharing the teachings of the Buddha and Nichiren; selflessness;
  10. Buddha: Supremely and perfectly Enlightened:

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