Saturday, January 25, 2020

The two principle determinants for leaving the Soka Gakkai or other heretical sects

No faith or strong faith are the two principle determinants for leaving the Soka Gakkai or other heretical sects.

Question: Is it easy or difficult to leave the Soka Gakkai? No faith or strong faith
Answer: That depends: General member, leader, amount of time in the organization; correct, incorrect, or no faith in the Lotus Sutra, the Gohonzon, the doctrines of Soka Gakkai, the doctrines of Nichiren, etc; strong or weak SGI practice; friends in and out of the organization; relationship with leaders; mood; state of mind; family in or out of the organization; interests outside of the organization; studied or not; obstacles or perceived punishment; value placed on honesty; hopes and desires...

On this last point. Suppose you desire a copy of a Nichiren inscribed Gohonzon. if your desire was strong, you have absolutely no choice but to leave the organization since copies of Nichiren inscribed Gohonzons are verboten. Depending on the strength of your desire [to practice as the Daishonin taught] it can be easy or difficult to leave the organization. Where there is no faith in the Lotus Sutra, it is easy to leave. Where there is strong faith but little study, it can be very difficult [because one has been brainwashed and propagandized to believe that only the Soka Gakkai upholds the Lotus Sutra]. 

Faith in the doctrines of the Soka Gakkai was simultaneously one of my biggest impediments to an easy transition and the source of my determination to leave the Soka Gakkai. Let me explain. Having been indoctrinated that Soka Gakkai activities was the source of both Enlightenment and the only way to realize the widespread propagation of the Lotus Sutra [Kosen Rufu], for years, I threw myself into activities at the expense of my profession, my family, my personal development etc yet it was still very difficult to determine to leave because my Great Wish was stronger than my "smaller wishes". On the other hand, my un-realizable "small wishes" [because of the time allotted to SGI activities] made it very easy to decide to leave, especially after studying deeply the writings of Nichiren Daishonin and comparing them to the SGI teachings.

If one is "happy", it is extremely difficult to leave the SGI despite the inconsistencies of their doctrines and their failure to act as they speak. Who cares if Nichiren and the Lotus Sutra teach that Shakyamuni is the Original Eternal Buddha, there is no proof that Nichiren inscribed the DaiGohonzon, that there is no place for interfaith practice, or the fact that a living master in the seat of Law is not a cardinal doctrine, let alone THE cardinal doctrine of the Lotus Sutra?  "I'm happy." It may take a great faith in the teachings in the face of the winds of pleasure, prosperity, praise, and honor to leave the SGI. 

Strong faith in the teachings and in Nichiren or no faith whatsoever, are the two principle determinants for leaving the Soka Gakkai.  


  1. Before 1995 no one had ever heard of Kempon Hokke Shu. Now they are international. Rev.Kubota & Bruce & Stephanie Maltz were great. Buddha will punish the Kempon for treating them like trash, you know how dedicated they were & you took evil as good and threw away Buddha's Son & Daughter. Nice of you!

  2. Those who don't chant the Daimoku, deprecating it (and Nichiren), deserve to be thrown to the curb.

  3. Typical Nichiren War Monger. If what you assert is in the Lotus Sutra perhaps I would. You sound like like a Scholar I once knew. Always sending people to Hell. Its not the teaching of Buddha. Let me lift you out of Japanese Quicksand you call Nichiren Buddhism. I thought you were a smart person?

  4. Hmmm. We should believe Bruce Maltz, not the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren. No cult master will ever, could ever, influence me again. I'll take Nichiren as my master, right or wrong because he walked the walk while his detractors are nothing but howling jackals. Enjoy your hell while I enjoy the boundless benefits of the Law.

  5. Dont know if you care.
    Kubota has passed away.
