Monday, February 24, 2020

Essay on the Tibetian "Buddhist" Dorje Shugden conflict

1 comment:

  1. Hello, in the Caribe Forest, Guayana, Dorje Shugden is permitted and encouraged. Due the change of spiritual magnetism from Asia to America there is a lot of room for discriminated Shugden worshipers for been extrangers and alien among tibetans. Regarding the closing of Tibetan Cicle with the 13 th all this things were stablish (houses for espiritual exercises and monastic schools).
    More information in Tumbrl, search for Awaycë Díaz, Augusto Díaz, Indigo Indio, or Indio Indigo.
    Awayce Diaz.
    Tenzin Yeshe Hutulku RecognizedbyNicolasRoerichMuseuminUlaanbaatar.
    Interfaith Society
    Aboriginal Laboratory
