Monday, March 30, 2020

Every aspiration of the false Buddhist prophet, Daisaku Ikeda, has turned to dung:

Daisaku Ikeda and the Club of Rome's goal of globalization (a one world society) was smashed most recently by the coronavirus; the establishment of the Kaidan (High Sanctuary of the Soka Gakkai); a nuclear free world; an ever increasing growth of the Soka Gakkai; preservation of Article Nine of the Japanese constitution; a peaceful and secure Japan (Fukushima, North Korea, china, the coronavirus, impending depression, and immanent loss of the 2020 olympics); a nobel peace prize; even one single award and honor from the fatherland (Japan); converting his parents to Ikedaism; a patent for Namu Myoho renge kyo; and the protection of his beloved members from the Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami*:

The reason for this is that he debased and altered the teachings of the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren and minimized Shakyamuni Buddha.

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