Thursday, March 26, 2020

Greg's words of wisdom

no sgi or nst fairy tales....nichiren is not above the shakyamuni who appeared around the 15th chapter of the lotus sutra to complete what the historical shakyamuni had taught thus far(shomon), but he is above the or at least equal to the historical buddha. i say this because he was trained by the the eternal shakyamuni buddha who appeared to teach the latter half(honmon). the real revelation in the lotus sutra for the people of the latter day. lets not piss on the truth that in the former and middle day the people were not very hostile to the lotus sutra. except for a few traitors. they became more hostile around the 14th - 15th chapters. listen to nichiren because he lived and overcame the great hostility and hatred that the buddha warned about when he said one would incur "intense hatred and jealousy" study his life...u will see. ikeda, the phony shoshu priests...your chapter chief are ignorant because they slander the lotus sutra and the effect of that is a terminally deep delusion. the sword no matter how fine cuts both ways. u should run from that. beware of phony translations and phony gosho and fake lotus sutra/nichiren buddhists. thank u.

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