Friday, March 27, 2020

Soka Gakkai members... Why do seek higher education?

Ikeda proudly boasts that he never had any formal education. He was a graduate of “Toda University”. Toda taught him everything he ever needed to know, mathematics, history, business, sociology, science, literature, and the arts.

I say to you, his disciples, that you lack faith in the mentor. If you really had faith, you would forego college and would study the writings of Ikeda exclusively. You will learn everything you need to know about business, mathematics, literature, language, philosophy, science, music, engineering, and the arts. If you follow the mentor, you will be bestowed with awards and honors from ten thousand miles afar, become wealthy beyond your wildest dreams, and be revered as if you were Arhats possessing the six transcendental powers.

Now wake up. There is no power in the Soka Gakkai teachings. None.


  1. In order to *teach* a subject, doesn't one need to have *mastery* of said subject, or at least *advanced education* within that field? Toda's teaching certificate was for *grade school*, and he earned it at just age 18 or so. So since he knew more than 2nd graders, he was qualified to teach 2nd graders, essentially. There is no point in Toda's life trajectory that he attends college, or studies specific subjects, or anything! So this "Toda University" is at best an example of the blind leading the blind - *I* could teach *YOU* as much about physics as *TODA* would have been able to. More, actually, since I've *HAD* a couple of physics courses at the college level, and that was in the 1990s, when a whole lot more was known about physics than in 1940s Japan!

    That "Toda University" shtick is a bunch of bullshit, in other words. I ran across a source stating it lasted just a single year, too. Yay.

  2. Perhaps this ie another reason for the nuclear metdowns at Fukushima. The SGI Directors of Operations at Fukushima, including the President of TEPCO, failed to seek an advanced degree ib Physics:
