Monday, March 16, 2020

The coronavirus and Fukushima too will turn to delight

"All of you have been wondering whether the Mongols will really attack again, but I believe that invasion is now imminent. Though the fall of our country would be deplorable, if the invasion does not take place, the Japanese people will slander the Lotus Sutra more than ever, and all of them will fall into the hell of incessant suffering. The nation may be devastated by the superior strength of the Mongols, but the slander of the correct teaching will cease almost entirely. Defeat would be like moxa cautery, which cures disease, or like acupuncture, which relieves pain. Both are painful at the moment, but will turn to delight.

Nichiren is the emissary of the Lotus Sutra; the Japanese are like King Mihirakula, who eliminated Buddhism throughout Jambudvīpa. The Mongol empire may be like King Himatala, a messenger from heaven sent to punish those hostile to the votary of the Lotus Sutra. If the Japanese repent in their present existence, they will be like King Ajātashatru, who became a follower of the Buddha, cured his white leprosy, and prolonged his life by forty years; though lacking the roots of faith, he reached the first stage of security, and in his present life gained the realization that phenomena neither are born nor perish." -- Many in Body One in Mind

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