Monday, April 6, 2020

Soka Gakkai teaches that Nichiren's teachings are not valid removed from the context of his time

Nichiren’s context was the Eternal Law, Eternal Buddha, Eternal Buddha Land, and this Latter Age. Whether in Kamakura, the Bronx, New Delhi, Alpha Centauri, or in quasar lands throughout the universe, for ten thousand years and more, Nichiren’s teachings are always valid. 

Soka Gakkai's view offers self-justification for altering Nichiren's teachings. There is no justification for altering Nichiren's teachings. Nichiren's teachings are always pure and perfect because they are based on the Lotus Sutra. Soka Gakkai's teachings mix the Lotus Sutra with the teachings of their three presidents. Nichiren teaches that the Shingon esoteric teachings and the Zen teachings and practices are absolutely the worst to mix with Namu Myoho renge kyo. The core Soka Gakkai teaching of mentor and disciple is none other than the esoteric teaching of Yui Yoga (Guru Yoga). The Soka Gakkai teaching of "follow no matter what" is derived from the Zen Bushido (Way of the Warrior) teachings.

"Likewise, even after the provisional teachings have been opened up and merged with the Lotus Sutra, one must not accept these evil doctrines, which have been rejected and cast aside as mere “rough teachings,” or intone their names or words or the principles that underlie them, mixing such doctrines with those of the Lotus Sutra." -- Nichiren

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