Thursday, June 11, 2020

Absolute Wonderfulness (Myo) and Comparative Wonderfulness (Myo)

Tientai the Great of China classified the teachings of the Buddha as follows:*

The Five Periods are as follows:

Flower Ornament Period (華嚴時) Āgamas Period (阿含時) Vaipūlya (方等時) Prajñā (般若時) Lotus-Nirvāṇa Period (法華涅槃時).

The Eight Teachings are subdivided into two groups:

The Fourfold Methods of Conversion (化儀四教) Sudden Teaching (頓教) Gradual Teaching (漸教) Secret Teaching (秘密教) Variable Teaching (不定教) The Fourfold Doctrines of Conversion (化法四教) Tripitaka Teaching (三藏教) Shared Teaching (通教) Distinctive Teaching (別教) Complete Teaching (圓教)[11]

"The word “wonderful” in the Lotus Sutra of the Wonderful Law has two meanings. One is comparative myō, or wonderful, which indicates refuting the rough teachings and revealing the wonderful teaching. The other is absolute myō, which indicates opening up the rough teachings and merging them in the wonderful teaching." - Nichiren

We can find literally find all the teachings of the Buddha from the Flower Ornament teachings ("The mind is a skillful painter", Yogacara or mind only) to the Theravada (Four Noble Truths, Eight Fold Path, Precepts Impermanence, Dependent Origination etc) to the Prajna Paramita or Heart Sutra teachings (The Two Truths, Temporary Existence and non-substantiality) and others of the Five Periods and Eight Teachings.

For example, the Theravada precepts are taught in Chapter 14 and Dependent Origination is taught in Chapter 7. Non-substantiality is taught principally in Chapter 2.

Here we see the the absolute myō, which indicates opening up the rough teachings and merging them in the wonderful teaching.

Chapters 11 and 23 for example, we see the comparative myo which indicates refuting the rough teachings and revealing the wonderful teaching.

These are the two aspects of the Lotus Sutra. Thus you can see how we can incorporate all the teachings of the Buddha in the faith and practice of the Lotus Sutra. This is the absolute wonderfulness. A child who in the 5th grade thinks that he knows all there is to know about mathematics is gently (or forcefully) scolded by his learned PhD teacher for the sake of the child's development. This is an example of comparative wonderfulness (Myo).

*From wikipedia, the Five Periods and Eight Teachings.


  1. Hi Mark, I'm sure you don't remember me but I used to argue with you and defend the SGI about 15 years ago. I left the SGI over a year ago and I have never been happier. I must concede and would like to publicly announce that you were correct sir. Keep speaking the truth

    1. chant NAMU MYOHO RENGE KYO...FOLLOW NICHIEWN TO THW BEST OF YOUR ABILITY, then understandig will come.

      also if possible use your real name. cheers.

    2. yes, hoping you still chant the real daimoku and follow nichiren - the teacher for the latter day.

      the article above sounds as if it s saying that everything the buddha taught is true, however, it is not complete unless viewed from the stand point of the lotus sutra(myoho renge kyo. the predatory teachings utilize's the mothers love aspect, while the lotus sutra/nichiren utilize both the mothers tender love and the father strict and stern love. difficult to understand for sure.

  2. Hope you are still chanting the Daimoku. Thanks for your kind words.
