Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Most Soka Gakkai and Nichiren Shoshu members are ignorant and simple minded

"Ignorant and simple-minded people have failed to look to the clear, correct dictates of the sutras and have vainly believed instead in the secret transmissions that have been orally handed down from master to disciple. Though they claim to be practicing the prayer of the 'Secret Law,' there is no real proof of its efficacy." - Nichiren 

There is no real proof of the efficacy of Nichiren Shoshu and Ikedaism. 

I too was ignorant and simple minded regarding the teachings of Nichiren, believing my Soka Gakkai leaders and Nichiren Shoshu priests in matters of faith. Then I awoke and realized it is best to go to the source, the Gohonzon and Nichiren, to discover the wonders of the Nichiren faith. It is just as Nichiren describes.

1 comment:

  1. They have little seeking spirit to discover the authentic teachings and the real Nichiren.
