Friday, October 23, 2020

In many ways the Nichiren Shu is worse than the Soka Gakkai and Nichiren Shoshu

1). Congratulating a Shingon priest for opening a temple in Seattle.

2). Itchi, not Shoretsu sect 

3). Interfaith (friendly terms with Nembutsu priests and all other slanderers of the true Dharma): NEVER uttering the lion's roar.
4). Engage in money making schemes, for example, Kito Sho prayers, Priests Selling Raccoon Dog paraphernalia (Tanuki Bozu). 
5). Failure to remonstrate with the authorities, failure to perform the forceful practices. NEVER uttering the lion's roar. 
6). Wealthy Bishops, desiring much 
7). Following Nichiki and Nissatsu rather than Nichiren. (priests primarily Shoju practice not shakubuku practice 
8). Slandering true votaries of the Lotus Sutra. For example Ryuei "Shonin" slandering the true votary Nisshin Shonin the so called Pot-wearing monk or Dr. Mark again and again. who is one who actually performs the forceful practice:
9). Slanderously teaching of "wonderful" Zen (again Ryuei). 
10).Teaching that only an idiot could love. For example, that Nichiren was a Confucian Gentleman...
Critics and Opponents of Shakubuku in the Modern Times Part. 1

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