Saturday, October 3, 2020

Is the cause of Covid-19 and other calamities Anger, Avarice, and Stupidity or is the cause misleading teachings (religions)?

According to the Nichiren Shu, it is the Former:

Nichiren, on the other hand maintains that Anger, Avarice, and Stupidity is the effect, the internal manifestation or internal effect of misleading teachings or mistaken objects of worship while calamities such as Covid-19, floods, drought, war, etc. are the external manifestation or external effect of misleading teachings or mistaken objects of worship. As he concludes in his Establishing the Correct Teaching for the Peace of the Land, "We should rather eliminate heretical teachings than perform ten thousand prayers." Misleading teachings are the cause of Anger, Avarice, and Stupidity (the Three Poisons) and calamities.

Of course, their exhortation to chant Namu Myoho renge kyo is correct but I believe Nichiren would have added, "Only, Namu Myoho renge kyo". The Nichiren Shu is loathe to perform the forceful practices which Nichiren teaches is the principle practice in this Latter Day. Nichiren teaches:

"Now, in the Latter Day of the Law, who is carrying out the forceful practices of the Lotus Sutra in strict accordance with the Lotus Sutra? Suppose someone, no matter who, should unrelentingly proclaim that the Lotus Sutra alone can lead people to Buddhahood, and that all other sutras, far from enabling them to attain the way, only drive them into hell..."

The United States, Russia, and Brazil are the examples of Christian countries; India is the example of a Hindu country; Japan* is the example of a provisional Buddhist country; Europe is the example of a "country" embracing scientific rationalism; Iran the example of a Muslim country; and Israel is the example of a Judaic country. In addition, these countries and China, not only worship their mistaken gods but the god of money and power.


We must eliminate the Bible, Q'uran, the Vedas, Upanishads, Agamas, Guru Granth Sahib, the Nembutsu, Guru worship, and universally chant Namu Myoho renge kyo with devotion to the Lotus Sutra. In this way:

"The world will become as it was in the ages of Fu Hsi and Shen Nung.** In their present existence the people will be freed from misfortune and disasters and learn the art of living long. Realize that the time will come when the truth will be revealed that both the person and the Law are unaging and eternal. There cannot be the slightest doubt about the sutra’s promise of “peace and security in their present existence.”

** Fu Hsi and Shen Nung were legendary kings who reigned over ideal societies in ancient China.

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