Saturday, December 12, 2020

Absolute Proof that there are BUDDHAS and there are buddhas in the Soka Gakkai

If one is rich and famous in Soka Gakkai, one is a BUDDHA and is able to have an altar with a statue of Shakyamuni Buddha. If one is poor and lowly in Soka Gakkai, one is  a buddha and admonished for having an altar with a statue of Shakyamuni Buddha as object of devotion. Would they snatch Tina Turner's Buddha statue off her altar as they did mine (and my statue was not even the central object of devotion, it was below and in front of the Gohonzon)? The answer is obvious. 


  1. There is an active coup going on in the usa today, sat dec12. There will be a black out by Monday. The streets will be full of armoured vehicles militarized cops and paramilitary by Tuesday Dec 15. Good luck to all survivors and may the buddhist gods be with you

    1. final]lly, some current events related to todays reality, thanks any mouse.

  2. At least biden will not kill everybody but either way it is a coup. Sgi is so evil and stinking. Reading anything by that fuking uneducated-spritually-inept sgi, moron ikeda, is like reading a pedantic, sing songy jack and jill book from the first grade. Same for Dali Lana and zen bullshit. At least I learn something from this blog. Been reading it for years

  3. So happy you gain something from my blog. Shakyamuni Buddha, Nichiren and we will transform the world.
