Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Japan and the coronavirus surge


  1. Texan love song,

    Texas challeged election results in battle ground states.

    Texas petitions 4 battleground States on Biden’s election as president

    Texas is one of the nastiest, most corrupt states in the union. Think of the not so distant keylhauling death, of the black man in jasper texas, by the kkk. George w. Bush. Enron. Largest open air nuke dumps. Most chemical factories, most mass shooting by racists and fundamentalist Christians. Highest percentage of white supremacists and Christian fascists. Baptist preachers calling for women” who get abortions to be executed" and then turning out to be pedophiles. Church shootings. Highest amount of encarceration and most prisons, in the USA. The white female cop in Dallas, that went into the black mans apt and shot him to death for no reason. She got her hand slapped.

    The affluenza killer. Rich white kid that murdered 5 innocent people.
    Rich white millionaire serial killers, that get away w it. Rich white men ,
    who murdered their wives and got away w it. Old south, good old boy system. The worst post civil war, jim crow system and justice system. White supremacist cops. Church shootings.
    Worst response to covid. Highest cancer rate. Black people blocked from voting . Purging of voting registration roles. They have to be kidding.

    Donald trump is the most criminal dangerous, stupid and demented-evil presidents in history. He has encouraged white supremacist to try to set off riots in cities. Encouraged them to start a racist civil war. The boogaloo bois, neonazis patriot prayer bois in the West, proud boys. atom waffen ss. Richard Spence. Stephen Miller. Daily stormer . The swastikas on the Ann Frank memorial in Boise Idaho.

    kenosha murders. Alex Jones who gets money from stone and arranged the kenosha murders. The boogaloo boys around the is who have killed cops and looted to try to blame BLM and start a civil war.
    Trump is a climate denialists with 10s of thousands of wildfires and the most and worst hurricanes in history. He believes a nuclear war is winnable.
    Trump has singlehandedly, placed the United States so much closer to the precipice, of nuclear war and nuclear catastrophe than anyone in history.

    Trump, actually started passing rules for the SSA that is knocking disabled old people of social security. That is with the highest homelessness, in the worst pandemic and economic downturn in history.

    Trump has knocked 55 million, off eligibility for medical care . That is after lying out of his teeth, and saying he had an alternative.

    Trump instituted martial law in portland. Is threatening martial everywhere in the usa and suspend the election biden for a coup. Encourages avowed racists and nazis to kill people. What is the matter w texas?

    Thom dispatch
    DECEMBER 7, 2020
    Trump’s Pernicious Military Legacy

    In the military realm, Donald Trump will most likely be remembered for his insistence on ending America’s involvement in its twenty-first-century “forever wars” — the fruitless, relentless, mind-crushing military campaigns undertaken by Presidents Bush and Obama in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and Somalia. After all, as a candidate,

    Guarenteed nuclear war sooner than later

  2. The primate hierarchical instinct is to set aside the outliers and weak. Don't give in to it. The reason traditional societies use outliers as shaman and healers is because outliers are the only ones who can see the sickness and insanity of their monkey societies. Outliers have no normalcy bias so the Mongolian , cambodians, Vietnamese and native Americans utilize them as healers and shaman

    In primate societies there is heirarchy, like the hot spring snow monkeys of Japan. Monkeys considered outliers or weak, are not allowed in the hotspings on cold winter days.

    There is a paradox of human social hierarchies. If insanity becomes too inbred and normalized, in a  human society, the society destroys itself, like the inhabitants of Easter island did or as the Nazis and trump have attempted to do.

    From on as series on Japanese snow monkey hierarchies FROM PBS

    The Social Hierarchy of Snow Monkeys - Background Essay
    Snow monkeys, like many species who live in groups, adhere to a system of social hierarchy. Each individual has—and knows—his or her place. Rank among the troupe is first established at birth. A new born male will share his mother’s status until he grows old enough to leave the troop to venture off on his own, or remain and ensure the troop’s protection. A young female will also share her mother’s status at birth. However, both genders will have the opportunity to move up or down within the social structure.

    In social hierarchies, status can be determined by a number of factors, including sex, size, age and behavior, especially as they relate to the survival of the group. Some of these attributes can clearly change as time goes on. One example of behavior which may determine status is aggression. Altercations may serve to reveal the strongest members, the most able to protect the entire group. In species that depend on the physical strength of their members for survival, aggressive behavior may result in a higher status.

    While the existence of a hierarchy may seem oppressive towards individuals who do not have a higher status, it may actually contribute to the group’s survival as a whole. For example, in some animal societies only the strongest males are permitted to mate with the females. By selecting for strength these societies improve the chances that the members of the following generation will share that attribute. Stronger group members can mean greater protection against predators. While a social hierarchy may be detrimental to an individual member, it can benefit the survival of the species.

    Snow monkeys develop relationships with each other which transcend status. They also do not necessarily affix stigmas on members with a lower status. If snow monkeys of different statuses are engaged in an altercation, it may be followed by a friendly reconciliatory mutual grooming session. Snow monkeys also do not exclude members of the group from such benefits as access to hot springs. While mating access can be limited to the strongest members for purposes of long term survival, hot springs are available to alls members of a troop, as there are no negative repercussions in sharing this resource among all group members.

    Group hierarchies evolved in the same way that many social behaviors have: by becoming essential for survival. It is for these exact reasons that snow monkeys and other animals naturally fall into such social systems, and continue to live according to these traditional behavioral codes. when they become damaged or dangerous the society fails
