Thursday, December 10, 2020

Response to Narhwal90


I have no agenda wrt changing Nichiren, but I do not feel compelled to obey every word of his as some kind of eternal found truth. But thats just me...

We always talk about actual proof, well his practice does produce effects- that is proof to me. His claims about the various eternal hells people are bound for are untestable, and come off to me as a fear tactic. Since they are untestable I do not make any claims as to true or false- nor am I suggesting anything about what others should or should not think.
I wouldn't say "fear tactics" but rather cause and effect depending on the object of devotion. The example I like to use is a methamphetamine addict. His or her's object of devotion is methamphetamine. His whole life is devoted to procuring methamphetamines regardless of the consequences and no matter who he injures, including himself. Invariably, with few exceptions, his life is a living hell. His relationships are hellish, his health becomes hellish, his teeth rots, he develops a "meth heart", he loses weight, he tweaks, can not hold down a job, and goes broke, often living on the street or in a meth (crack) house. I would say this man lives in the World of Hell. Of course, there are secular Buddhists or even Nichiren secular Buddhists who do not believe in rebirth.

Nichiren teaches that, if you can readily see the Lower Six Worlds in operation, there is no reason to doubt the existence of the Four Noble Worlds, even if they don't manifest in the face. As a corollary, because Namu Myoho renge kyo, Gohonzon, and the Lotus Sutra are manifestly true, we can believe the Lotus Sutra (Shakyamuni Buddha) and Nichiren about rebirth. However, I still believe that one who does not believe in rebirth will attain Buddhahood in this very life, as long as one's faith in Namu Myoho renge kyo is profound. If one's faith in Namu Myoho renge kyo is profound, it is impossible to slander either Shakyamuni Buddha or Nichiren Daishonin (because of our gratitude towards them). I hear it all over the internet, mostly from ex-SGI, how terrible Nichiren is. Regardless, even were he a demon possessing a million faults, for teaching us the Daimoku, it is as if his faults are one drop of murky water in the great pure ocean of Nirvana. As the Lotus Sutra Chapter 28 teaches:

“If anyone sees a person who accepts and upholds this sutra and tries to expose the faults or evils of that person, whether what he speaks is true or not, he will in his present existence be afflicted with white leprosy.... and other severe and malignant illnesses.” It also says, “That person will be born eyeless in existence after existence” or moment after moment (if one does not believe in rebirth).

How much worse to expose the faults of the Supreme Votary of the Lotus Sutra.

In effect, these teachings are a warning.

1 comment:

  1. "Hypocrite, you are always slandering the good SGI people."

    I would argue that SGI people accept and uphold the Ikeda Sutra (Ikedaism) and not the Lotus Sutra. It is a matter of (as Nichiren teaches), "the heart that is important."

    Most SGI members have not even read the Lotus Sutra once but have read Ikeda's Human Revolution a dozen or more times. "Namu Myoho renge kyo" is simply "Devotion to the Lotus Sutra", and by extrapolating, devotion to Shakyamuni Buddha, not devotion to the Human Revolution nor Daisaku Ikeda.
