Tuesday, February 23, 2021

More from Anonymous, performing a type of forceful practices.

"Millions in gulags, in American private and state prisons. Mostly black, many for victimless crimes. No economic planning. Libertardian-Ayn Rand fascists and devils who claim they believe in freedom yet love private prisons. Not civil libertarians at all . They are racist, Ayn Rand-fascists, teapatiers Republican-nazis . The whole lot are, Lying, hypocritical-racist scum. Bobo-gulpers and hypocrites. China has its problems but, it had sense enough, to limit its population growth. Gutter propagandists of the worse sort kill and, lie in murica,  500,000 dead in murica from covid. They spew vicious red baiting propaganda about China. Scum that want nuclear war with China. China has 350 nuke bombs. The USA has over 7000 nuclear weapons."

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