Friday, February 12, 2021

"Spiritual, But Not Religious" Identities in U.S. Faith-Based Activism: Case Studies in the Nipponzan Myohoji Order and the Catholic Worker Movement the Dissertation of Katharine Hester Cross

"Myō is the name given to the mystic nature of life, and hō, to its manifestations. Renge, which means lotus flower, is used to symbolize the wonder of this Law. If we understand that our life at this moment is myō, then we will also understand that [all] life is the Mystic Law. This realization is the mystic kyō, or sutra." - Nichiren


  1. Its long. Still, their interfaith is not the spirit of Nichiren. With all their drumming and chanting for peace, has the world improved or are we moving closer towards the precipice of extinction? Only through the lion's roar (the forceful practices) will the Buddha's Land be realized.
