Thursday, March 18, 2021

A Refutation of the Nembutsu Parts 2 and 3 by Graham Lamont

Now the Pure Land followers still say they have not "blasphemed and disparaged" yet it is clear that they do not believe in the efficacy of this Sutra for people of this Latter Age; rather they harbor doubts about it and teach at variance to what the Buddha has said in a final and authoritative way in this very Lotus Sutra; for do they not follow Shan-tao in saying "not one in a thousand" attain by the Hokekyo and other sutras when this Sutra proclaims all shall attain by this One Vehicle? Do they not follow Honen's famous prescription in the Senchahu shu to "abandon, close, put aside, cast away' (sha hei kaku ho) the Lotus Sutra among the other sutras'? Is this what the Lotus Sutra teaches: that we should abandon it now in this age, far from the time of the historical Buddha? Now the Pure Land partisans will most probably argue in one or the other of two ways 1) They claim that, in following Honen, they never intended to criticize the Hokekyo but merely meant that "the truth [of the Lotus Sutra] is profound and the understanding [of the people of our age of the Latter Dharma] is slight" (ri jin ge mi); the Lotus Sutra, they claim, is only for great sages and not for ordinary unenlightened worldlings: its practices are too difficult.

Let us see what the Diffusion Section (ruzubun) within the Sutra (as opposed to the separate Diffusion Section Sutras, the Fugengy6 and the Daihatsunehangyo) has to say: "Still further, after the Extinction of the Tathagata, if they hear this Sutra and do not disparage it but give rise to the mind of following joy, you should know it is already the aspect of profound faith and understanding." (The "Chapter of the Distribution of Merits" 17 (T.9.45b22- 24))

Now this passage describes the Five Ranks (gohon) after the Extinction of (the historical manifestation of) the Buddha. The person who hears and does not blaspheme against this Supreme Dharma but has the joy of following in faith already has the aspect of profound faith and understanding. Note that understanding is not a prerequisite for this but only "following joy", the very first stage of the spiritual journey. Clearly the Buddha intends this Sutra for beings such as ourselves. (Note that in this same chapter this is in the period of the Latter Dharma for in the next stage of faith, "keeping" this Sutra, it is specifically said to be "in the evil era at the time of the Latter Dharma" (T.9.46a13).)

Moreover, in the "Chapter of Following Joy" the vast merit of one who has heard this Sutra even at fiftieth hand is proclaimed by the Buddha yet this person is clearly even less spiritually advanced than the person who first heard it in the Buddha's congregation and has not yet even entered the level of the Identity of Contemplation and Practice (kangyo soku) but is at the level of the Identity of Name (myoji soku) where real understanding or practice have not yet really begun. (Note that, unlike the first forty-nine, this fiftieth person has not even preached the Dharma to someone else and so is at the most elementary level.) Yet such "shallow" merit is actually vastly superior to that of the great sages of the teachings of the Previous Sutras. (Tayu sakan dono gohenji, STN, v. 2, 1852) That this should be so is explained by the well-known principle, "Because the more the teaching is Real, the more the [spiritual] level is lowered.") The Sutra itself says: "When there are beings who, hearing that the Buddha's Lifespan is of such great length, can produce so much as one thought of faith and understanding, the merit which they obtain shall have no limit or measure. If there are good sons or good daughters who for the sake of Anuttara- samyak-sambodhi practice the Five Paramitas, the Dana Paramita, the Sila Paramita, the Kshanti Paramita, the Virya Paramita, and the Dhyana Paramita, excluding the Prajna Paramita, when one compares this merit to the former merit, it does not reach one part of a hundred parts, a thousand parts, or one hundred trillion parts and it is something even calculations and similes cannot know. If there are good sons or good daughters who have merit such as this, there would be no instance of backsliding in Anuttara-samyak-sambodhi." (T.9.44cl 8-29)

Although this passage is technically within the Four Faiths (Four Levels of Belief with increasing levels of understanding and practice), which are practiced in the Buddha's Lifetime, Chan-jan (Janran, Myoraku, the sixth Chinese Patriarch of the Tendai (T'ien-t'ai) Sect) in the Hokke mongu ki points out that the Four Faiths and Five Ranks are practically the same, so that "one thought of faith and understanding" is applicable to the time after the historical Buddha; thus a single thought of faith in this Sutra and specifically in the Buddha's Immeasurable Lifespan, as preached in the Sixteenth Chapter, is superior to all Five Paramitas or Perfections except the Prajna Paramita or Perfection of Wisdom since that is identical to this Sutra itself. Such faith is at least as "easy" as the Nembutsu but is surely superior in merit. (Incidentally the verse paraphrase of the above passage affirms that it is "one thought of faith" without any mention of understanding as a prerequisite (T.9.45a26). And Chan-jan also affirms in the Hoke mongu ki 9B (T.34.342b) that the first faith has no understanding.

Clearly this Lotus Sutra is not something meant for great sages alone; it has nothing to do with entering into a trance (samadhi) and so on. Thus the Fugenqyo says one who practices "though not entering samadhi, only recites and keeps" (T.9.389c) and the sixth patriarch of the Tendai Sect, Myoraku Daishi (Chan-jan) glosses, "With unconcentrated (lit., "scattered") minds reciting the Dharma Flower (Hokke) without entering trance and samadhi, sitting, standing, or walking single-mindedly think on the characters of the Dharma Flower. " (Maka shikan bugyo den guketsu 2- 2.18v (T.46.192c). Nichiren Shonin teaches that this is surely the easy practice for the unenlightened worldlings of the Latter Dharma, for it makes no distinction as to our behavior and has nothing to do with trance but demands single-minded devotion and he says, "'Think on the characters of the Dharma Flower' means that this Sutra does not resemble the characters of the various sutras; though one recites one character, it encompasses the characters of the Eighty thousand Jewelled Stores [of the Buddha Dharma] and gathers in the merit of all the Buddhas." (Shugo kokka ron, STN, v. 1, 110)

For those who wish to be reborn in a Pure Land, in the "Chapter of Devadatta" 12 it says, "The Buddha addressed the bhikshus, 'In a future era It there are good sons or good daughters who hear the "Chapter of Devadatta" of the Sublime Dharma Flower Sutra (Myohokekyo ) and with a pure mind believe and reverence, not producing doubts and confusion, they shall not fall to the hells, hungry ghosts, or beasts but be born before the Buddhas of the Ten Directions and in the place where they are born they shall constantly hear this Sutra; if they are born among humans or gods they shall receive superior and sublime joy. If before a Buddha, they shall be born by transformation in a lotus flower.'" (T.9.35a14- 18)

Note that there is no exclusion of Blasphemers against the Dharma, because this Sutra is the very Teaching that rescues such evil people. Thus this clear promise of the Buddha is specifically focused on the chapter where the most evil person in Buddhist tradition is shown to attain Buddhahood. Moreover, even in excellent heavenly and human rebirths, they shall be able to hear this Supreme Lotus Sutra, a fact which is most important for in such a rebirth they shall always have access to Buddhahood.

2) They assert that they only meant to combine their Nembutsu (believing in and chanting the Name of Amida (shomyo)) with the Lotus Sutra and dedicating the merits to Rebirth in the Pure Land of Gokuraku presided over by the Buddha Amida in the Western Direction. The Lotus Sutra says in the "Chapter of the Parable" (T.9.16a), "Only rejoicing to receive and keep the Great Vehicle Sutra Canon, not even receiving one verse of other Sutras"; since the "Chapter of Expedience" 2 (T.9.8a) declares:

"Now is properly the time; I shall determinately preach the Great Vehicle; The Nine Sections of the Dharma I Preach following and according with the masses of beings: Having them enter the great Vehicle is the fundamental And for that reason I preach this Sutra,"

Then, in effect, this Sutra is the True or Real Great Vehicle (Mahayana) andnone of the other sutras are really so; in that sense they are the LesserVehicle; we are not even to receive (i.e., accept out of faith) a single verse of these other sutras, including the "Mahayana" sutras which are not truly the Great Vehicle. Likewise in the "Chapter of the Divine Powers of the Tathagata" 21 states: "For that reason you, after the Tathagata's Extinction, should single-mindedly receive and keep, read and recite, explain and preach, copy and write, and practice in accordance with the preaching." (T.9.52a20- 21)The Sutra says one is to practice it single-mindedly, i.e., to the exclusion of other sutras and teachings. Therefore, in the age of the Latter Dharma, the time for this Sutra, no other practice or teaching should be employed and that restriction applies to the Nembutsu

A Refutation of the Nembutsu(3)

Thus we can conclude from the main text of the Hokekyo, from the Fugengyo, and also from the Great Parinirvana Sutra the remedy for the spiritual illness of Blasphemy, which is, in essence, the denial of the supremacy, relevance, and efficacy of the Hokekyo to save all beings and especially the beings of the Latter Dharma.

The claim of the Pure Land partisans is epitomized in a famous remark of Shan-tao that with Sutras such as the Hokekyo "not one in thousand" attains Enlightenment or Rebirth in the Pure Land because these Sutras are for sages. Against this "not one in thousand", Nichiren Shonin cites the promise of the Hokekyo: "If they hear the Dharma there is not one who does not attain Buddhahood." (The "Chapter of Expedience" (T.9.9b)) and he asks the simple but profound question: whom do you wish to believe: the Buddha or the human teacher Shan-tao? As Nichiren Shonin explains later, it means that "of the people who keep this Sutra a hundred of a hundred, a thousand of a thousand, not missing even one person, become Buddhas." ("Reply to the Lady Nun Ueno" (Ueno ama gozen gohenji), STN, v, 2, 1890) (Likewise we can cite from the same chapter, "Be they Shravakas or Bodhisattvas. hearing even one verse of the Dharma that I preach, they shall all attain Buddhahood (or "become Buddhas") without doubt (or "there is no doubt".)" (T.9.8a)

(A number of the above arguments also follow the "Letter to Jorembo" (Jorembo gosho) (STN, v, 2, 1075) and the also the Nembutsu mugen jigoku sho (STN, v. 1, 37) and the Hoon sho (STN, v. 2, 1231))

Now one more tactic of the Pure Land advocates, especially the Jodo Shinshu, is to claim that the Pure Land Sutras were preached at the same period as the Lotus Sutra; however, this argument does not
work for the Buddha's words defeat them:

"'Of the various sutras I have preached, Among these sutras, The Dharma Flower (Hokke) is the very foremost.'

At that time the Buddha further announced to the Bodhisattva Mahasattva Yakuo, "The Sutra Canons which I preach are immeasurable thousands of tens of thousands of hundreds of thousands, those I have already preached, those I am now preaching, those I am going to preach. Yet among those this Dharma Flower Sutra is the very most difficult to believe and difficult to understand." (The "Chapter of the Dharma Teacher" 10: T.9.31b)

From this we see that of all Sutras, including those now being preached, this Lotus Sutra is Supreme and surpasses all the Sutras, including the Pure Land Sutras, even if we allow that the Three Pure Land Sutras were preached at this same time as the Hokekyo ! It overrules all other Sutras with the Final Truth which the Lord Buddha preached. (incidentally this unique pronouncement of Lord Shakya that this Lotus Sutra surpasses any other of His other preachings also overrules any other preachings such as those claimed by the Tibetan Buddhists, who have lured away foolish people from the True Dharma by claiming that since there are even higher Esoteric (Tantric) forms of Buddhism than the ones known to Nichiren Shonin, these overrule the Hokekyo and invalidate Nichiren's teaching; however, the Buddha's pronouncement is absolute and final and applies to everything He ever preached or would preach; it does not depend on whether Nichiren Shonin knew or did not know of a particular Esoteric transmission. Moreover, Nichiren Shonin actually anticipates such an argument since he points out in the Hoon sho (STN, v. 2, 1196-1197) that the above phrase, "those I have already preached, those I am now preaching, those I am going to preach", summed up in the words, "already, now, about (to)" (in kambun, "i kon to"), includes any sutra of any kind not transmitted into China (and hence to Japan) or hidden in some place such as the palaces of the celestial gods or dragons, since the Buddha has pronounced these words in the "Chapter of the Dharma Teacher" 10 and has had them confirmed as "all true" by the Buddha Tahe from the Past (Chapter 11) and again by the Buddhas of the Ten Directions Who extend Their Miraculous Tongues (Chapter 21) with the various celestial and other gods (present from the "Chapter of the Preface" 1 as witnesses. Where could there be any sutra superior to this very Hokekyo?) 3) The Pure Land believers claim that a reference in the

"Chapter of Yakuo" 23 (T,9.54b29-c2) supports their position: "If there is a woman who hears this Sutra Canon and practices it in accordance with the preaching, when her life ends here, she shall at once go to the abode of the Buddha Amida of the Anraku World..."

However, note that this passage does not refer to the practices of the Pure Land Sect, the Nembutsu (shomyo or chanting the name of Amida) and so on but says that one must practice according to the preaching of this Lotus Sutra; we have already seen that such a correct practice is to be single-minded. excluding other Sutras and their practices (as we saw above) and, therefore, there is no question of mixing the practices or calling them equal: "The Kangyo [Kan Muryojukyo] is a Provisional Teaching; the Hokekyo is the Real Teaching: they cannot at all be equal." (Hokke shoshin jobutsu sho, STN, v. 2, 1428)

Furthermore, Myoraku affirms, "One need not point further to the Kangyo and others." (Hokke mongu ki 10 (T.34.355b) In other words, the causal practice for Rebirth in the Pure Land Amida is the proper practice of the Hokekyo and not the Nembutsu or anything else. "Only the power of the Hokekyo alone measures up" to the task of saving women in this age of the Latter Dharma. (On the Rebirth of Woman (Nyonin ojo sho), STN, v. 1,349)

Moreover, the phrase from Myoraku refers not merely to causal practice but the effect (Buddhahood) for neither the Buddha Amida nor the Pure Land of Anraku mentioned here are identical to that described in the Kangyo. In effect this Buddha and His Land are manifestations of a type of Pure Land from the eternal Pure Land revealed in the Sixteenth Chapter of the Lotus Sutra.

We can conclude that it is, indeed, the Lotus Sutra that is the Sutra that teaches the Way to Rebirth and Enlightenment in this age of the Latter Dharma beginning with the fifth five hundred years and it shall not be cut off into the future until Lord Ajita (i.e., the future Buddha Maitreya comes forth in the world. (STN, v. 3, 2477 (fragment 2))

Author Graham Lamont from the Kempon Hokke archives


  1. I feel like many pure landers are hedonists which is not Buddhist at all

  2. Maybe I do not know so much about it. Some people tell me they, are Buddhist and they worship this or that, female deity. Americans. Then again, many americans are ignoramuses

  3. Kuan Yin is the most common. Even in the Nichiren Shu there are those who worship this Bodhisattva/deity. In Tibetian Buddhism, the worship of deities is nearly universal, even among those who are studied. They are ignorant of the Lotus Sutra Buddhism of Nichiren. They are ignorant of the True Object of Worship and the Eternal Buddha. It is our duty to enlighten them, to spread Namu Myoho renge kyo and the Gohonzon.
