Thursday, March 11, 2021

I have just been banned from Reddit Nichiren Buddhism...more proof that this is Mappo.

What would Nichiren say about this abhorrent situation? Specifically to Nichiren and generally to his disciples and believers:

"The Benevolent Kings Sutra says, “Once the sages have departed, then the seven disasters are certain to arise.” The Sovereign Kings Sutra states, “Because evil people are respected and favored and good people are subjected to punishment, marauders will appear from other regions, and the people of the country will meet with death and disorder.” If these pronouncements of the Buddha are true, then evil men certainly exist in our country, and the ruler favors and respects such men while treating good men with enmity." - The Actions of the Votary of the Lotus Sutra

"And yet I cannot help but grieve at the words of the Benevolent Kings Sutra that “Once the sages have departed, then the seven disasters are certain to arise.” The seven disasters include major droughts and great military uprisings.

The Sovereign Kings Sutra states, “Because evil people are respected and favored and good people are subjected to punishment, the stars and constellations, along with the winds and rains, all fail to move in their proper seasons.”

Now who is meant by “evil people [who] are respected and favored”? It is men such as I spoke of earlier. And who is meant by “good people [who] are subjected to punishment”? It is the one whom I mentioned above, who has “again and again been banished.” And the passage on the “stars and constellations” refers to the strange and portentous occurrences that have taken place in the skies and on the earth during the past twenty years or so."

If these passages from the sutras are true, then the banishment of Nichiren is a portent that foretells the downfall of the nation. Even before I incurred the wrath of the authorities, I foresaw that this would happen and stated the reason in On Establishing the Correct Teaching for the Peace of the Land. Who can doubt that what I say is true? And that is why I grieve. - Reply to Hakiri Saburo

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