Thursday, March 18, 2021

Importance of Nonviolent Communication in Intercultural Dialogue versus the Lotus Sutra Buddhism of Nichiren and the forceful practice of the Lotus Sutra.


Some describe Nichiren's, Establishing the Correct Teaching for the Peace of the Land, as his most important writing. In this writing, several things can be gleaned: Teachings not based on the ultimate dignity of human life must be rejected; the basic nature of the people in this degenerate age are the Three Poisons of Anger, Avarice, and Stupidity; dialogue from the perspective of an enlightend individual or society is correcting wrong thought. Shakyamuni Buddha spent sixty years correcting wrong thought and Nichiren Daishonin spent nearly thirty years. Most often, Nichiren used harsh words in order to correct the wrong thought of the leaders, priests, and samurai of feudal Japan. Shakyamuni Buddha, in the Lotus Sutra, utilized simile; metaphor; parable [of which there are seven]; skillful or expedient means; logic; historical precedent; narration [current events and prior birth stories]; questions and answers; and most importantly, a direct exposition of his Enlightenment, in order to correct wrong thought. Ultimately, correcting wrong thought is to establish correct thought. Correct thought is chanting Namu myoho renge kyo and teaching others to do the same. By this means we can change the Three Poisons of Anger, Avarice, and Stupidity (or foolishness) into the Three Inherent Potentials of the Buddha Nature: the Buddha nature itself; the wisdom to perceive the Buddha nature; and the good deeds or practice to develop this wisdom and cause the Buddha nature to emerge. We do not find the cause (Namu Myoho renge kyo) to develop this wisdom and cause the Buddha nature to emerge in the pre-Lotus Sutra Buddhist teachings, in the Old Testament, the Rig Veda, The New Testament, nor the Q'uran. There is absolutely no other way to subdue the Three Poisons and establish the Buddha nature, the one necessary actualization in order to create a peaceful world, other than chanting Namu myoho renge kyo.

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