Saturday, April 17, 2021

Permanenetly banned from SGIWhistleblowers(MITA) Correction Page from People in the Arena

 Again, for telling the truth.


  1. Too strange. There are corporate and govt counterintellingence agents, on many blogs and in many groups of
    dissident people. Chickenn crud, corn pone American police state. The crooks know lies and image are everything for their dirty deeds. The the American Federal government spends 60 billion dollars a year, to spy on its own people in the USA and no doubt supports CS organizations like SGI

  2. How the hell can they maintain tax free status for these false religions is beyond me. Too many governement officials are believers in these false religions, prophets, and gurus. Follow the Law, not persons.

  3. Thanks for the refressher on these bums.
