Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Reddit Nichiren

Since i have been thrown off Reddit Nichiren the Soka Gakkai cult has taken over. Posts and discussions are very shallow. It is a sorry situation.


  1. So sad because u r as enlightened as the buddha drmark. They are dispicable. The strong please.hang in therw

  2. Enlightened to Namu Myoho renge kyo, for sure as we all are, even SGI. Attaining Buddhahood in this very life requires more than being enlightened to Namu Myoho renge kyo. It requires Right faith and action and embracing the correct Three Treasures.What do you think?

  3. Thanks dr mark u are so very enlightened. Money is what sgi is about

  4. You got that right, Disgusting how much the top Japanese leaders earn to do the same thing that we gladly do for free. Laymen are not even supposed to accept alms in real Buddhism. I can't criticize them enough.
